CANEDO GRILLE, José. Tordoia, Galicia 22.2.1902 — Lens 29.12.1945. Spanish Linguist. Studies at seminary of Santiago de Compostela and at University of Granada, then 7 years IE, Indology and classics at Berlin. In the Spanish civil war he took Franco’s side. From 1943 taught Spanish at Heidelberg University. Publications: Zur Wort- und…

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BRUNNER, Linus. Woollen, Canton Aargau 7.3.1909 — St.Gallen 3.12.1987. Swiss Linguist. Son of Linus Br., a farmer.  Ph.D. 1936 Zürich. Professor in Canton School in St.Gallen. Few have accepted his far-reaching theories. Publications: Diss. Entwicklung der Funktionen der lateinischen Konjunktion dum. 110 p. Tübingen 1936. – Die gemeinsamen Wurzeln des semitischen…

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BARSCHEL, Bernd. Hohenstein-Ernstthal near Zwickau 28.6.1937 — Jena 14.10.1990. German (East) Indologist. Son of a merchant. Educated in Chemnitz, from 1955 studies at Halle, first theology, but soon linguistics and Indology (Ammer and Mehlig). From 1960 Assistant at Halle, 1970 moved to Jena. Ph.D. 1976 Jena. From 1977 Lektor at…

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BARHUDAROV, Aleksej Stepanovič

BARHUDAROV, Aleksej Stepanovič. Puškin, Leningrad obl. 22.8.1927 — 9.5.2001. Russian Indologist (Hindi scholar). Son of a scholar of Russian language, Stepan Grigor’evič B. Studies at Oriental Faculty in Lenin­grad, graduated 1950, kand. filol. nauk 1953. Naučnyj sotrudnik at Institut Vostoko­vedenija (Oriental Inst.) of Academy of Science in 1953-71 (from 1966…

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ANDREEV, Nikolaj Dmitrievič

ANDREEV, Nikolaj Dmitrievič. Petrograd 16.2.1920 — 15.11.1997. Russian IE Linguist. Son of a soldier, himself participated in war against Finland in 1939-40 and in WW II 1941-45. Graduated 1952 Leningrad. Kand. filol. nauk 1956 (diss. on Germanistics), dr. filol. nauk 1967 (diss. on general Lin­guistics). In 1952-54 worked in Lenin­grad…

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AGANINA, Ljudmila Aleksandrovna

AGANINA, Ljudmila Aleksandrovna. Moscow 23.1.1926 — Moscow 25.12.2000. Russian Linguist (Uigur and Nepali). Daughter of an official. Studies in Moscow, graduated 1950. Kand. filol. n. 1954, in 1954-58 in the redaction of Sov. vostokovedenija. From 1958 working as naučnyj sotrudnik at the Oriental Institute of Academy of Science in Moscow. Dr. filol.…

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ABAEV, Vasilij Ivanovič

ABAEV, Vasilij Ivanovič (Oss. Vaso Abajty). Kobi, rajon Kazbeg, Georgia 15(28).12.1900 — Moscow 18.3.2001. Russian Iranian and Caucasian Scholar, himself of Ossetian Origin. Born in a village, in 1910-18 school in Tbilisi, then elementary school teacher in Kobi. From 1912 studied at the Oriental Faculty in St.Petersburg, graduated 1925 in…

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ZIMMER, Heinrich Friedrich

ZIMMER, Heinrich Friedrich. Kastellaun near Koblenz 11.12.1851 — Berlin 29.7.1910. German Indologist and Celtic Scholar. Professor in Greifswald and Berlin. Studied classics and Indology at Strassburg (Goldschmidt) and Tübingen (Roth), also Germanistics (Scherer) and Celtology (Windisch), strongly influenced by Weber. Ph.D. 1876 (?). PD 1878 Berlin. In 1881-1901 Professor of Sanskrit…

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ZIEMER, Hermann

ZIEMER, Hermann Erdmann Johannes. Neustettin, Hinterpommern (now Szczecinek, Poland) 11.5.1845 — Kolberg, Hinterpommern (now Kołobrzeg, Poland) 10.2.1908. German Linguist. Ph.D. From 1873 teacher at gymnasium in Kolberg, from 1893 as Gymnasialprofessor. Married 1875 Elise Balthasar, at least one son. He was an ardent Neogrammarian and atttracted some positive attention with…

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WILS, Johannes Arnoldus Fredericus

WILS, Johannes Arnoldus Fredericus. Nijmegen 16.8.1901 — 1975. Dutch Linguist. Ph.D. Professor at Nijmegen Catholic University. He was also interested in non-IE languages (African and South American). Married Charlotta de Roy van Zuydewijn (1900–1992). Publications: De oorsprong van het verbale r-passief in de indogermaansche talen. 52 p. MKNAW 3:11. Amsterdam 1940. –…

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