MATEER, Samuel

MATEER, Samuel. near Boardmills, county Down, Northern Ireland 1835 — England 24.12.1893. Rev. British Missionary in India. Worked 33 years, from 1859 until 1891, in Travancore for London Missionary Society, encouraged local people for ministry. In 1890 his wife had to return to England because of ill health, husband followed…

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KING, Cuthbert

KING, Cuthbert. 1889 — 19??. British Civil Servant in India. M.A. Served in the North-West. Deputy Commissioner (1930/35), then Commissioner of Lahore (1943) and Rawalpindi Division (1946). C.I.E. 1946. Mentioned as living 1958. Married, at least one son. Interested in numismatics. Publications: “Rock Drawings on the Indus”, Man 40, 1940, 65-68, 9 fig.…

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HAUGHTON, Henry Lawrence

HAUGHTON, Henry Lawrence. 1.11.1883 — 22.3.1955. British Colonial Officer in India. Major General. Son of Colonel John H., educated at Winchester and Sandhurst. In 1902 joined Wiltshire Regiment, 1903 to India, 1904 transferred to Indian Army. Captain 1911. In WW I served in Mesopotamia. In 1921 returned to England, from…

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ZEJMAL’, Evgenij Vladislavovič

ZEJMAL’, Evgenij Vladislavovič. Moscow 3.10.1932 — St.Petersburg 6.5.1998. Russian Scholar of Kushan History and Archaeology. Son of an official, Vladislav Janovič Zejmal’ and Nehama Iosifovna Ioffe. Graduated 1955 from Leningrad in history. Kand. ist. nauk 1965, dr. ist. n. 1985. In 1956-59 Head of Historical Section in Tadzhik Historical Museum.…

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WROTH, Warwick

WROTH, Warwick William. Clerkenwell near London 24.8.1858 — London 26.9.1911. British Numismatist. Son of Rev. Warwick Reed Wroth (1825?–1867) and Sophia Brooks. After King’s School in Canterbury joined British Museum Dept. of coins and medals in 1878. Finally Senior Assistant Keeper of Coins and Medals in British Museum. Died after an…

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WEBB, William Wilfred

WEBB, William Wilfred. 1858 — 18.11.1911. British (Scottish?) Physician in India. Studies at Aberdeen. Joined Indian Medical Service in 1882. Surgeon-Captain of Bengal army, served in Rajasthan. Retired 1894 for health reasons. M.D. 1894. In 1893-1902 Secretary of the Army Medical School at Netley, then in Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire. Married Anna…

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VOST, William

VOST, William. ?.11.1861 — London 1947.  British (Scottish) Army Physician in India. Son of Henry Vost (1823–1877) and Isobel Charlotte Broad. Medical studies at Glasgow. From 1887 served in North India. Surgeon-Captain (1893). Retired as Lieutenant-Colonel in 1913. Married 1910 Gladys McKechnie (1886–1969), two children. Publications: Numismatic articles in JASB and NC in…

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VASMER, Rihard Vil’gelm (Georg Rihardovič)

VASMER, Rihard Vil’gelm (Georg Rihardovič, Richard Wilhelm Georg Vasmer). St.Petersburg 9/21.10.1888 — Taškent 22.2.1938.Russian Numismatist and Oriental Scholar. Born in a Lutheran family of German background, son of Richard Julius Friedrich Vasmer und Amalia Maria Julia Schaub. Educated in St.Petersburg. From 1906 studies of Arabic, Persian and Turkish at Leipzig…

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VALENTINE, William H. 1856 — 1927. British Numismatist. Apparently a layman without academic or official position. Publications: The Copper Coins of India. 1. Muhammadan Coins. 271 p. 2. The Panjab and Contiguous Native States. 78 p. 68 pl. L. 1914–21. – Sasanian Coins. 118 p. L. 1921. – Bombay, Rājputāna, Central India. 8+390 p. 26…

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TUFNELL, R. H. Campbell

TUFNELL, Robert Hutchinson Campbell (Tuffnell). 1852 — 1908. British Colonial Officer in South India. Son of Thomas Robert Tufnell, a businessman, and Frances Howard Hutchinson. Captain (1888), served mainly in South India. Participated in Afghan wars. Retired as Major. Married 1878 Mary Anne Luard Smith (b. 1858), two sons. Publications: “On a Collection…

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