HAGER, Berthold

HAGER, Berthold. Kippenheim, Baden 1915 — ?.7.2003. German Student of Indology. Son of Rev. Georg Hager. From 1933 studied at Tübingen, first law, soon Sanskrit. Ph.D. Tübingen 1938. Served in WW 2, then war prisoner. Resumed studies, now French and English, in 1949 graduated as teacher. Worked as teacher in…

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CHATALIAN, George. 22.11.1920 — 17.6.1997. U.S. Philosopher and Buddhist Scholar. Educated at Brown University (A.B.) and Harvard (Ph.D. 1968). In the early 1970s teaching (Western?) philosophy at Franklin Pierce College. In 1983 at Department of Philosophy, University of Ife in Ife-Ife, Nigeria, then also at Lagos University. Finally living in…

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BRUNNER, Fernand

BRUNNER, Fernand. Lausanne 8.10.1920 — Cortaillod, canton Neuchâtel 1.11.1991. Swiss Philosopher. Professor in Neuchâtel. Studies at Lausanne (licence ès lettres 1942) and after war in Paris (Ph.D. 1951). From 1954 Professor at Neuchâtel, retired in 1986. In 1956-85 also taught at Bern. Publications: Much on Western and Islamic philosophy, beginning with…

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FADDEGON, Barend (Bernard). Amsterdam 9.7.1874 — Ede (Gelderland) 28.6.1955. Dutch Indologist. Professor in Amsterdam. Son of Barend Abraham F., a watchmaker, and Sophia Elisabeth Laugeman, grew up in Amsterdam. Studies of Dutch at Amsterdam (Uhlenbeck), then Indology at Leiden under Kern and Speyer. Ph.D. 1906 Leiden. From 1907 PD, 1908…

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STACE, Walter Terence

STACE, Walter Terence. Hampstead, London 17.11.1886 — Laguna Beach, Calif. 2.8.1967. British Civil Servant in Sri Lanka. Son of Major Edward Vincent Stace of Royal Artillery and Amy Mary Watson. Educated ar Bath College and ar Fettes College in Edinburgh. Planning priestly career he studied at Trinity College, Dublin, but…

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RICHARDS, Glyn. Rhymney, Wales 6.8.1923 — 2003. Rev. British (Welsh) Philosopher and Scholar of Religion. Son of Thomas R. and Rose Jones. Studies at University of Wales (B.A. 1950), Oxford (M.Litt. 1954) and McMaster University (M.A. 1969). Ordained priest 1952. In 1952-68 congregational minister in Swansea, Wales. In 1968-70 Tutor…

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MARKOVICH (Marković), Miroslav

MARKOVICH (Marković), Miroslav. Belgrad 18.3.1919 — Urbana, Ill. 14.6.2001. Yugoslavian (Serbian?) Classical Scholar in America. Studies at Belgrad, graduated 1941. Participated in war as partisan under Tito, then 1946-54 Lecturer in Classical Philology at Belgrad. In 1953 went to India and worked at Visva-Bharati, in 1954 emigrated to Venezuela. In…

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LORENZ, Francisco Valdomiro

LORENZ, Francisco Valdomiro (born František Vladimir Lorenz). Zbyslav 24.12.1872 — Dom Feliciano 24.5.1957. Brazilian (born Czech) Philosopher, Polyglot and Esperantist. He took early Esperanto, but as Austro-Hungarian state imagined it to be connected with socialism, he had to emigrate in 1891. Lived first in Rio de Janeiro, then in Rio Grande do…

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LACOMBE, Olivier

LACOMBE, Olivier Auguste. Liège 2.7.1904 — Neuilly-sur-Seine 2.7.2001. French Indologist. Professor in Lille and Paris. Son of engineer, born in Belgium in French family. Educated at Lycée concordet and École Normale Supérieure in Paris. Agrégé de philosophie 1928 and docteur-ès-lettres 1939. In 1939-44 Director of Institute of Philosophy, Faculty of Letters,…

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GEIGER, Alfred

GEIGER, Alfred. 1??? — 19??. Ph.D. 1934, student of philosopher Othmar Spann at Vienna. In his diss. he took very favourable view of the caste system, following his teacher’s preference for strong leadership and hierarchical structure. Publications: Rev. diss. Die indoarische Gesellschaftsordnung. 16+223 p. Tübingen 1935. Sources: Nothing found about…

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