GRISWOLD, Hervey DeWitt

GRISWOLD, Hervey DeWitt. Dryden, NY 24.5.1860 — 15.5.1945. Rev. U.S. Missionary interested in Indian Religion. Son of Benjamin Gr. and Laura Eliza Hurd. B.A. 1885 Union College in Schenectady, NY (M.A. 1900, D.D. 1910). Graduated from Union Theological Seminar 1888. Further studies in 1888-90 at Oxford and Berlin Uni­versities. Ordained…

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GOUGH, Archibald Edward

GOUGH, Archibald Edward. London 2.3.1845 — 1915 (buried 20.12.1915 in Guernsey). British Teacher and Indologist in India. Son of Alexander Richard G. (architect in London) and Mary Ann Bainbridge, educated at Lincoln College. Studies at Oxford (M.A.). Anglo-Sanskrit Professor at Government College in Benares in 1868-77, then 1877-86 Professor of Philosophy…

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GLASENAPP, Helmuth von

GLASENAPP, Otto Max Helmuth von. Berlin 8.9.1891 — Tübingen 25.6. 1963. German Indologist. Professor in Königsberg and Tübingen. Son of —> Otto von Gl. and Elisabeth (Lilli) Marie Jähns. Educated in Berlin, as a schoolboy already much interested in India and Sanskrit. After one term of law studies at Tübingen…

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GATTI, Stanislao

GATTI, Stanislao. Naples 1820 — Benevento 4.2.1870. Italian Philosopher – one of the Napoletan Hegelians – also interested in Indology. Son of the elder St.G. and Marianna De Nigro. Educated in Naples. Although he knew some Sanskrit, he leaned heavily on German and English translations. Publications: Transl.: Nala e Damaianti.…

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GARBE, Richard

GARBE, Richard Karl (von). Bredow bei Stettin (now Szczecin-Drzełowo) 9.3.1857 — Tübingen 22.9. 1927. German Indologist. Professor in Tübingen. Son of Gustav G., a factory owner, and Eugenie Konopka. In gymnasium in Stettin he had Grassmann among his teachers. Studies at Tübingen, soon switched from law to Sanskrit (Roth). Ph.D.…

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FRITZSCHE, Adolf Richard. Leipzig 6.11.1851 — 19??. German Teacher and Indologist. Schoolteacher and Principal in Schneeberg. Son of Johann Gottfried Fr. and Agneta Reiz. After gymnasium in Leipzig studies of classics at Leipzig (Ritschl, Curtius), also Indology under Brockhaus. Ph.D. 1873 Leipzig. Teacher at Gymnasium of Chemnitz 1876-88, then principal…

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FRIEDMAN, David Lazar

FRIEDMAN, David Lazar (Lasar). Amsterdam 26.2.1903 — London 11.4.1984. Dutch Buddhist Scholar and Art Historian in the U.K. Born in a Jewish family engaged in diamond trade. After school in Amsterdam he studied three years Sanskrit at Utrecht (under Caland), then history of religion, Sanskrit and Indian art and archaeology…

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FRENKIAN, Aram. Constanţa 19.3.1898 — Bucharest 10.9.1968. Romanian Classical (Greek) Scholar interested in Indology. Son of Armenian refugees, Haroutioun Fr. and Zarouhi Essayan. Studies of Greek, linguistics and Sanskrit in Paris in the 1920s under Meillet, Bloch, Finot et al., also philosophy under Bréhier. Ph.D. 1931 Bucharest. Professor of Greek…

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FRAUWALLNER, Erich. Wien-Währing 28.12.1898 — Vienna 5.7.1974. Austrian Indologist and Tibetan Scholar. Professor in Vienna. Son of the financial secretary (later wirkl. Hofrath) Friedrich Fr. and Maria Barbara Riedler. School in Vienna. In 1915 started learning Sanskrit still as a schoolboy. In 1916 to army, served two and a half…

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FRANZÓ, Gregorio

FRANZÒ, Gregorio. 23.6.1879 — 19??. Italian School-Teacher interested in Indian Thought. Teacher (Professor) of “materie letterarie” at R. Ginnasio superiore in Grosseto (Tuscany). Still active with Greek in 1946, now perhaps in Leghorn. Publications: “Sulle relazioni delle Dottrine del Sâṁkhya coll’ antica filosofia greca fino ad Anassagora”, Annali di lettere…

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