WOODBURNE, Angus Stewart

WOODBURNE, Angus Stewart. London, Ontario 1.9.1881 — Madurai 13.2.1938. Rev. Canadian Missionary in India. Son of Thomas W. and Anne Elizabeth Cathro. Studies at McMaster in Toronto (B.A. 1906, M.A. 1910) and University of Chicago (B.D. 1917, Ph.D. 1918). Ordained Baptist minister in 1906. In 1906-14 missionary in India. In…

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WIDGERY, Alban Gregory. Bloxwich, Staffordshire 9.5.1887 — Winchester, Va. 22.3.1968. British Scholar of Religion in the U.S.A. Son of Rev. John Thomas Widgery and Ellen Thomas. Studies at Cambridge (St.Catharine’s College, B.A. 1908, M.A. 1912). From 1908-10 taught at Bristol University, 1910-12 further studies at Marburg, Jena and Sorbonne. Then…

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WESTCOTT, George Herbert. Harrow on the Hill, Middlesex 18.4.1862 — Allahabad 16.1.1928. Rev. British Missionary in India. Son of Rev. Brooke Foss Westcott (1825–1901), then Bishop of Durham, and Sarah Whithard. Educated at Marlborough College, studies from 1882 at Peterhouse, Cambridge (B.A. 1885, M.A. 1899). Ordained 1886, after a brief…

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WERTZ, Dorothy C.

WERTZ, Dorothy Corbett.  Buffalo, NY 18.5.1937 — 29.4.2003. U.S. Scholar of Religion.  B.A. Radcliffe College, then studied Social Anthropology at the London School of Economics. M.A. Radcliffe. Ph.D. Harvard, in Religion. She taught religion and social sciences at eight New England colleges. Later on concentrated on ethical and social issues…

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WARD, C. H. S.

WARD, Charles Henry Spurgeon. Halton by Leeds, Yorkshire 21.7.1876 — Wells, Somerset 17.3.1957. Rev. British Missionary in Sri Lanka. Son of Amos Ward and Zilpah Whitaker. Married 1906 in Sri Lanka Mabel Jane Straughan Lawrence (d. 1937), children. Later on returned to the U.K. His 1934/47 book is based on…

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VIRIEUX, Eugène. 1861 — 31.10.1923. Swiss Priest. Lic.théol. Ordained 1884. Pastor in Rougemont from 1885, in Champvent 1886, again in Rougemont 1889 and from 1894 until death in Crassier (Vaud). Publications: Le Bouddha, sa vie et sa doctrine: essai d’histoire des religions. 104 p. Lausanne & P. 1884 (inferior to Christianity).…

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THIEME, Paul. Berlin 18.4.1905 — London 27.4.2001. German Indologist. Professor in Halle, New Haven and Tübingen. Son of Oskar Thieme (1868–1943), a minister, and Elisabeth Blancke (1870–1942), born as one of triplets. Gymnasium in Eisenach, privately learned Sanskrit from Fick’s textbook (from school he had Latin, Greek and Hebrew). From…

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STEGMILLER, Frumentius

STEGMILLER, Frumentius. Bavaria 16.6.1880 — 2.2.1929. S.D.S. Father. German Catholic Missionary in India. Entered Salvatorian order in 1894, ordained priest in 1903. In 1906-11 worked in Assam (now Meghalaya). Back in Germany, served in WW I as priest in Western Front. Publications: “Aus dem religiösen Leben der Khasi”, Anthropos 16-17, 1921-22,…

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SMITH, Henry Goodwin

SMITH, Henry Goodwin. New York City 8.1.1860 — Goshen, Hampshire County, MA 7.8.1940. Rev. U.S. Theologian. Son of Henry Bounton Smith (1815–1877), also a Theologian, and Elizabeth Lee Allen (1817–1898). Graduated 1881 from Amherst College. M.A. 1884 Union Theological Seminary. D.D. 1897 Wabash and Maryville. Presbyterian Pastor in Freehold, NJ,…

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SMART, Ninian

SMART,  Roderick Ninian. Cambridge 6.5.1927 — Lancaster 29.1.2001. British (Scottish) Scholar of Religion. Son of William Marchall Smart (1889–1975, from 1937 Regius Professor of Astronomy at Glasgow), and Isabel Carswell, educated in Glasgow. In 1945-48 served in army intelligence, one year in Sri Lanka. Then studied classics and philosophy at…

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