NUSSBAUM, Louis-Frédéric

NUSSBAUM, Louis-Frédéric Emmanuel (nom-de-plume Louis Frédéric). Paris 17.12.1923 —Quincy-sous-Sénart near Paris 24.11.1996. French Artist, Art Historian and Writer. Worked as illustrator, travelled in North Africa. Interested in Asia he studied at Sorbonne and É.P.H.É. Did not enter academic career and remained free author. Knew Sanskrit, Hindi and Japanese, Publications: Dans…

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MØLLER-KRISTENSEN, Frede. Nr. Herlev 6.1.1933 — 21.2.2003. Danish Indologist. Daughter of Kristian Møller-Kr. and Anna Graversen. M.A. 1960 Copenhagen. She contributed to the C.P.D. in the 1950s and was its editor in the 1960s. In 1966-72 also lecturer in Pāli at Copenhagen University. Then Director of Oriental Department of Kongelige…

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MIGOT, André

MIGOT, André. Paris 28.2.1892 — Villejuif 17.2.1967. French Physician and Traveller. In WW I served as medical officer. Then physician in Paris, during holidays climbing in the Alps and Pyrenees. In 1938-39 visited Afghanistan and India. During WW II worked in occupied Paris, after war went to Indochina and…

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MARKOVICH (Marković), Miroslav

MARKOVICH (Marković), Miroslav. Belgrad 18.3.1919 — Urbana, Ill. 14.6.2001. Yugoslavian (Serbian?) Classical Scholar in America. Studies at Belgrad, graduated 1941. Participated in war as partisan under Tito, then 1946-54 Lecturer in Classical Philology at Belgrad. In 1953 went to India and worked at Visva-Bharati, in 1954 emigrated to Venezuela. In…

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MAMMITZSCH, Ulrich Hans Richard. 1935 — Bellingham, Wash. 19.11.1990. U.S. (German-born) Sinologist and Scholar of Tibetan and Japanese Buddhism. Studied at Halle, in 1957 escaped from East Germany to West and settled in the U.S.A. Taught at Western Washington University, finally as director of East Asian Studies. Publications: “On the evolution of…

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LOUNSBERY, G.  Constant

LOUNSBERY, Grace  Constant. New York 29.1.1876 — France 24.9.1964. U.S. Author, Playwright and Bauddha in France. Daughter of James L. (d. 1897) (?) and Grace Constant. Graduated from Bryn Mawr College. Founder (1929) and President of Amis du Bouddhisme. Unmarried. Publications: La Méditation bouddhique. 179 p. P. 1935; Buddhist Meditation in the…

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LAUF, Detlef Ingo

LAUF, Detlef Ingo. 1936 — 2001. German or Swiss (?) Tibetologist and Scholar of Religion in the U.S.A. Ph.D. Dipl.-Psych. He taught as Professor at C. G. Jung Institute in Zürich, at Institute of Asian Studies in San Francisco, at Ohio University in Athens, Ohio, and at Columbia Pacific University in…

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LACOMBE, Olivier

LACOMBE, Olivier Auguste. Liège 2.7.1904 — Neuilly-sur-Seine 2.7.2001. French Indologist. Professor in Lille and Paris. Son of engineer, born in Belgium in French family. Educated at Lycée concordet and École Normale Supérieure in Paris. Agrégé de philosophie 1928 and docteur-ès-lettres 1939. In 1939-44 Director of Institute of Philosophy, Faculty of Letters,…

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KÖLVER, Bernhard

KÖLVER, Bernhard. Ründeroth near Köln 2.4.1938 — Leipzig 27.11.2001. German Indologist. Professor in Köln, Kiel and Leipzig. Son of a gymnasium teacher, who Participated in WW II and died soon after his return from captivity. Educated in Wertheim, Gummersbach und Fort Myers (Florida). From 1956 studies linguistics, Anglistics, Germanistics and…

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KNOX, George

KNOX, George. Inismagrath, co. Leitrim, Ireland 1793 — 2.9.1847, when 53. British Physician in India. M.D. c. 1816. In E.I.C.’s medical service, Madras. Married Mary Griffith (1809–1841), one son. Publications: Wrote on Burmese Buddhism in MJLS 1, 1834, 25-39 and in TrRAS 3, 1835, 271-284; medical writings. Sources: Revised List of Tombs of Europeans and Eurasians in…

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