MIGOT, André

MIGOT, André. Paris 28.2.1892 — Villejuif 17.2.1967. French Physician and Traveller. Dr.med. In WW I served as medical officer. Then physician in Paris. In 1938-39 visited Afghanistan and India. During WW II worked in occupied Paris, after war went to Indochina and in 1947-48 visited Eastern Tibet and China, but could not reach Lhasa. In 1952-53 in Kerguelen and Antarctis, in 1956 in Cambodia, 1957 again in China and Tibet. Beside Buddhism he was also interested in marine biology. Married 1961 historian Olga Wormser (née Jungelson, 1912–2002).

Publications: “Un grand disciple du Buddha: Sâriputra. Son rôle dans l’histoire du bouddhisme et dans le développement de l’Abhidharma”, BEFEO 46:2, 1954, 405-554.

– Caravane vers Bouddha: un Français à travers la Haute-Asie mystique. 228 p. P. 1954, rev. ed. 1961, English transl. Tibetan Marches. L. 1957, Swedish 1957.

– “Recherches sur les dialectes tibétains du Si-k’ang (province de Khams)”, BEFEO 48:2, 1957, 417-562.

– Le Bouddha. 302 p. 4 pl. Portraits de l’Histoire 11. P. 1957.

– Les Khmers, des origines d’Angkor au Cambodge d’aujourd’hui. 376 p. P. 1960.

– Au Tibet sur les traces du Bouddha. 251 p. 16 pl. Monaco 1978.

– Other works.

Sources: Wikipedia with photo (more in French version).

Last Updated on 2 years by Admin


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