MÜLLER, Herbert

MÜLLER, Herbert (Mi Sung-lin). Gumbinnen, Ostpreussen (now Russian Gusev) 29.8.1885 — Bonn 9.8.1966. German Sinologist, Lawyer, Journalist and Art Dealer. Son of Eduard Müller, owner of a brewery, and AnnaKiupel. Matriculated 1904 from Gumbinnen. Law studies at Berlin, Kiel and Bonn, also linguistics and ethnology. Dr.jur. 1909 Bonn, with Indian…

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MEZLER, Otto. 1??? — 19??. Austrian Student of Indology. Ph.D. 1922 Vienna. Publications: Diss. Untersuchungen zum altindischen Beamtenwesen. Manuscript, Vienna 1922. Sources: Diss. in Janert.

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MENANT, Delphine

MENANT, Delphine. Cherbourg 16.10.1850 — Paris 29.7.1932. Mlle. French Iranian Scholar. Daughter of the Assyriologist —> Joachim Menant. Studied under Darmesteter. Ph.D. She worked from 1900 in Musée Guimet, as “chargée de mission dans l’Inde”, where she travelled, together with her mother, in 1900–01, studying Parsis in Bombay and Gujarat.…

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MEDVEDEV, Evgenij Mihajlovič

MEDVEDEV, Evgenij Mihajlovič. Moscow 23.11.1932 — 27.10.1985. Russian Indologist (Historian). Son of official. Graduated 1956 from Moscow. Kand. ist. nauk 1967. In 1956-57 naučnyj sotrudnik at Inst. vostokovedov, 1957-60 naučnyj redaktor. From 1960 Director of Institut vost. jazyki in Moscow. Docent 1972. A specialist of ancient history of India. Publications:…

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LE BON, Gustave

LE BON, Charles Marie Gustave. Nogent-le-Rotrou (Eure-et-Loir) 7.12.1842 — Paris 13.12.1931. French Psychologist, Sociologist and Anthropologist. Son of Jean-Marie Charles Le Bon, an official of Breton ancestry, and Annette Tétiot Desmarlinais. Educated in Tours, from 1860 studies in Paris. Dr.med. 1866 Paris. Instead of work as a physician he turned to…

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KUDRJAVCEV, Mihail Konstantinovič

KUDRJAVCEV, Mihail Konstantinovič. Orenburg 31.12.1910 (11.1.1911) — 4.3.1992. Russian Ethnographist of South Asia. Son of official. In 1929-32 studied at Leningrad Topographical Technical School and worked then as topographer in Yakutia. Soon became interested in ethnography and graduated 1939 from Leningrad University (Historical Faculty). Participated in the WW II in…

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HOCART, Arthur Maurice

HOCART, Arthur Maurice. Etterbeek near Brussels, Belgium 26.4.1883 — Cairo 9.3.1939. British scholar of Sri Lankan Archaeology and Ethnology. Son of James H., a Protestan missionary in Belgium, and Mary Mathieson Doulton (1850–1890), educated in Brussels and Guernsey, where the family originated. Graduated 1906 from Oxford (Exeter College) in classics,…

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JACKSON, Arthur M. T.

JACKSON, Arthur Mason Tippett. 1866 — Nasik 2?.9.1909. British Civil Servant and Historian in India. M.A. Oxford. Served in the I.C.S. as District Collector in Bombay Presidency, finally chief magitrate of Nasik. Murdered, shot by a seditious Brahman. Bound by his official duties he wrote very little, but his scholarship…

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IL’IN, Grigorij Fedorovič

IL’IN, Grigorij Fedorovič. Rostov-na-Donu 11.1.(24.1.)1914 — Moscow 15.10.1985. Russian Indologist and Historian of India. Professor in Moscow. Born in a worker family, orphan at the age of six. Worked in a factory, then studied aircraft technology at Red Army School and served in Air Forces. Childhood poverty had broken his…

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GRANT, Charles

GRANT, Charles (Gaelic Teàrlach Grannd). Aldourie, Inverness-shire 16.4.1746 — London 31.10.1823. British (Scottish) Politician interested in Indian Affairs. Son of Alexander Grant, who on his birthday was fighting for the Jacobites against British Crown (Rapson claims he was killed then, but see Wikipedia), and Margaret Macbean. In 1767 went to…

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