CHARPENTIER, Jarl Hellen Robert Toussaint. Nya Varvet near Gothenburg 17.12.1884 — Uppsala 5.7.1935. Swedish Indologist. Professor in Uppsala. Son of Claës Robert Adolf Ch., a major, of a Huguenot family which had emigrated to Sweden in the 17th century, and Helena Elisabeth Augusta Geijer. Educated in Gothenburg. From 1902 studies…

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CHALMERS, Robert (1919 first baron of Chalmers of Northiam). London 18.8.1858 — Oxford 17.11.1938. Lord. British (Scottish) Civil Servant and Indologist (Pāli Scholar). Born in London in a Scottish family, son of John Ch. and Julia Mackay. Educated at City of London School (under E. Abbott). From 1877 studies of…

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CASSIANO DA MACERATA (Giovanni Beligatti)

CASSIANO DA MACERATA (lay Giovanni Beligatti). Macerata 1708 — Macerata 4.2.1791. Italian Missionary and a Pioneer of Indology, in India and Tibet in 1739-56. Son of Gaetano Beligatti and Margarita Compagnucci. In 1725 joined the Capuchin order in their monastery at his home-town Macerata. In 1738 he was selected with…

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CARUS, Paul. Ilsenburg am Harz 18.7.1852 — La Salle, Ill. 11.2.1919. German Philosopher and Scholar of Comparative Religion in the U.S.A. Son of a pastor, school in Posen and Stettin, studied philosophy, classics and science at Greifswald, Strassburg and Tübingen. Ph.D. 1876 Tübingen. Worked as a teacher at Military Academy…

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CARPENTER, Joseph Estlin

CARPENTER, Joseph Estlin. Ripley, Surrey 5.10.1844 — Oxford 2.6.1927. British Indologist (Pāli scholar), Unitarian Theologian and Scholar of Religion. Son of William Benjamin C. (1813–1885), a well-known biologist and unitarian, and Louisa Powell, nephew of —> Mary C. Educated at University College School in London, then studies at University College…

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CAPPELLER, Carl Johann Wilhelm. Alexkehmen, Ostpreussen 22.3.1840 — Jena 17.7.1925. German Indologist. Professor in Jena. Son of an estate owner from East Prussia, Wilhelm C., and Amalie Knochenhauer, educated at Glumbinnen Gymnasium. In 1860-64 studies of classical philology, soon also of Sanskrit (under Bopp and Weber), IE and Lithuanian at…

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BUSSAGLI, Mario. Siena 23.9.1917 — Frosinone, Lazio 14.8.1988. Italian Art Historian. Professor in Rome. Studies under Tucci at Rome (graduated 1940 with a diss. on Gandhāra art. After war Docent at La Sapienza (Rome), first also librarian, from 1957 professore straordinario di Storia dell’ Arte dell’ India e dell’ Asia…

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BUSCHARDT, Leo Maxim. Copenhagen 24.8.1906 — Copenhagen 11.3.1966. Danish Indologist. Librarian in Copenhagen. Son of Christian B., a mason and musician, and Ingeborg Pedersen. Studies at Copen­hagen University from 1925, 1935 M.A. there in history of religions. From 1943 worked in the library of Landbohøjskolen, from 1944 in Kongelige Bibliotek,…

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BURNOUF, Eugène. Paris 8.4. (or 12.8.?) 1801 — Paris 28.5.1852. French Indologist. Professor in Paris. Son of —> J.-L. Burnouf and Marie Genoviève Chavarin, cousin of —> É.-L. B. Studied classical languages under his father and from 1822 at École de Chartes (licencié ès lettres et en droit 1824). At…

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BURLINGAME, Eugene Watson

BURLINGAME, Eugene Watson. Albany, N.Y. 5.8.1876 — 3.8.1932. U.S. Indologist (Pāli Scholar). Son of Eugene B. and Emma Patten Watson. Educated at Yale (B.A. 1898) and University of Penn­sylvania (M.A. 1902, Ph.D. 1910). Then studies of Sanskrit at Harvard 1909-10 (under Lanman) and at Johns Hopkins 1914-16 (Bloomfield). In 1902-07 and…

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