HELD, Fritz

HELD, Fritz. Sindelfingen, Württemberg 25.5.1920 — Stuttgart 1.7.1992. German Physician (neurologist and children psychiatrist). After school in Stuttgart began medicine studies at Tübingen, soon interrupted by military service. Dr.med. 1950 Tübingen. Worked then in Institut für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie in Stuttgart. Twice married, four children. Publications: Diss. Buddhas Lehre als…

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GAWROŃSKI, Andrzej. Geneva 20.6.1885 — Jósefów near Warsaw 11.1.1927. Polish Indologist. Professor in Lwów. Son of the historian Franciszek Rawita-G. (1845–1930) and —> Antonina Gawrońska, born in Switzerland during his parents’ exile, they returned in 1887. Educated in Warsaw and Lwów (now L’viv in Ukraina), in 1903-05 studies at Lwów…

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FROLA, Eugenio

FROLA, Eugenio. Montanaro near Turin 27.9.1906 — Turin 6.5.1962. Italian Mathematician interested in Buddhism. Son of Mario Fr. and Maria Pons. Studied engineering at Turin Polytechnic (graduated 1929), then mathematics at Turin university (1933). Assistant, then Professor (incaricato) of mathematics (descriptive geometry) at Turin Polytechnic. From 1940 member of the…

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FERRARI, Alfonsa

FERRARI, Alfonsa. Aquila 1.11.1918 — 1.1.1954. Italian Indologist. Professor in Rome. Grew up in Milano, studied in Rome, graduated in 1941 under Formichi and 1945 under Tucci (Indian religion and philosophy). From 1945 assistente straordinario di sanscrit. In 1946 and 1947-48 further studies of Buddhism, Tibetan and Sanskrit literature in…

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BENNETT, Adrienne A. G

BENNETT, Adrienne Audrey G. 1892 — 1972. Mrs. Britishwoman interested in Buddhism. Studied mathematics and physics, then changed to painting (several exhibitions in London). Lived 14 years in India and China. In WW II engaged in linguistic work, then turned to Buddhist studies. In 1949-52 Librarian of the Buddhist Society,…

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BEHRSING, Siegfried

BEHRSING, Siegfried. Bremerfeld, near Weissenstein (now Prääma in Estonia) 9.11.(27.10.)1903 — Berlin 5.4.1994. German (originally from Estonia) Sinologist and Buddhist Scholar, in the beginning also an Indologist. Professor in Berlin (East). Born in the then Russian Estonia as a son of teacher (tutor, later Oberlehrer), Arthur B., went to school…

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WEILER, Royal W. Allentown, PA 16.9.1927 — Philadelphia County ?.1.1987 (when 59). U.S. Indologist. Professor in Philadelphia. Son of Fred W. Weiler, Sr. (1902–1951) and Jane Katharine Edwards. Graduated 1945 from Allen High School. Studies at University of Pennsylvania (B.A. 1951), Ph.D. there 1956 (under W. N. Brown). Then one…

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WALSHE, Maurice O’Connell

WALSHE, Maurice O’Connell. London 22.12.1911 — 18.4.1998. British Germanist and Bauddha. Born of a family with Irish background. Studied German at University College, London (B.A. 1932, M.A. 1935), and at the univer­sities of Berlin, Göttingen and Vienna, one year Lecturer at Freiburg i. Br. In 1937-39 Assistant Lecturer in German…

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VELJAČIĆ, Čedomil (Ñāṇajīvaka)

VELJAČIĆ, Čedomil (Ñāṇajīvaka). Zagreb 18.6.1915 — San Francisco, Calif. 28.12.1997. Croatian Classical Scholar, Philosopher, and Bauddha. Born in a Croatian Catholic family, son of a court secretary. Studied philosophy at Zagreb (B.A. 1939) and became teacher, soon director of gymnasium in Vis island. From 1944 member of the new Yugoslavian…

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STEPANOV, Gurij (Aleksej Ivanovič St.)

STEPANOV, Gurij (Aleksej Ivanovič St.). Čeboksary 3.10.1880 — Gorkij (Nižni Novgorod) 1.11.1937. Russian Ecclesiastic, Mongolian and Tibetan Scholar. Archimandrit, then Archbishop of Russian Orthodox Church. Son of a minor official. After Kazan Seminary studied 1902-06 at Kazan Spiritual Academy (cand. theol.). Intending to become missionary he concentrated on Mongolian language…

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