LOPES, David Mello

LOPES, David Mello. Nesperal, Castelo Branco 17.4.1867 — Lisbon 3.2.1942. Portuguese Historian of India. “Son of José Amaro Lopes, educated at Lisbon (Curso Superior de Letras) and at É.L.O.V. in Paris. Appointed, in 1895, Professor of the French Language at the Lyceum Central, in 1901, Professor of French Language and…

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KENNEDY, Vans. Pinmore, Parish of Ayr 1784 — Bombay 28.12.1846. British (Scots) Colonial Officer and Indologist in India. Major-General. The youngest son of Robert K. of Pinmore, of an old Ayrshire family, and Robina Vans. The father lost his money in the bankruptcy of Ayr bank and had to sell…

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KAYE, John William

KAYE, John William. Acton (London) 3.6.1814 — London 24.7.1876. Sir. British Colonial Officer, Publisher and Historian in India. Son of Charles K., solicitor to the Bank of England, and Eliza Atkins. Educated at Eton and Addiscombe. Joined the Bengal Artillery and went to India in 1832/33. Retired from the army…

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HECQUET, Émile. Karikal 23.10.1832 — 7.7.1897. French Colonial Officer in South India. Son of Émile H. and Adélaïde Baude de Bunnetat. He served as Mayor of Pondichéry and was made chévalier de Légion d’honneur in 1880. In 1878 he was supposed soon to become a Professor of Tamil in Lyon.…

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HEARN, Gordon Risley

HEARN, Gordon Risley. 7.9.1871 — 7.6.1953. Sir. British Colonial Officer (Engineer) in India. Colonel. Educated at Winchester College, Woolwich Military Academy and School of Military Engineering. From 1890 served in Royal Engineers in India, for 30 years Superintending Engineer constructing railways in India (incl. the Khyber Railway from Peshawar to…

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GRACIAS, Amâncio

GRACIAS, João Baptista Amâncio. Loutulim, Salcete, India 8.4.1872 — Goa 20.9.1950. Portuguese Historian. Son of Joaquim Sebastião do Rosario da Piedade Gr. and Maria Justina Lucia de Santissima Trindade Borges, brother of —> Caetano Gracias. Educated in Nova Goa, studies at Bombay University. Civil servant in India, Moçambique, Angola and…

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GALVÃO, Antonio

GALVÃO, António (A. Galvano). Lisbon 1490? — Lisbon 11.3.1557. Portuguese Historian of Colonial India. Son of the chronicler Duarte G. (c. 1445–1517). From 1527 in the Moluccas, 1536-40 Governor in Ternate, established Portuguese rule in the islands and acted strongly on behalf of mission, destroying temples, etc. His last 17…

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FERGUSON, Donald William. Colombo 8.10.1853 — Croydon near London 29.6.1910. British (Scottish) Journalist and Scholar of Sri Lankan History (especially of Colonial Period). Son of —> Alastair M. F. (d. 1892) and Anne Mackerras. The father came to Ceylon in 1837, was a long time the chief proprietor and editor…

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COSTA DE MACEDO, Joaquim José da

COSTA DE MACEDO, Joaquim José da. Lisbon 25.4.1777 — Golegã 15.3.1867. Portuguese Historian. Son of Professor Agostinho José da C. de M. Librarian, then Academician in Lisbon. General Secretary of Academia das Ciências. Also other important public offices. Publications: Wrote on Portuguese and early colonial history. Sources: Several Portuguese Internet pages; German…

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CORREIA, Gaspar. 1492? — Malacca or Goa 1563?. Portuguese Historian of Colonial India. In the age of 16 he went to India in 1512/14. Served as a soldier and became secretary of Afonso de Albuquerque. Around 1529 back to Lisbon, later in Cochin. Some claim that he was murdered in…

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