RICHARDS, Glyn. Rhymney, Wales 6.8.1923 — 7.3.2003. Rev. British (Welsh) Philosopher and Scholar of Religion. Son of Thomas Richards and Rose Jones. Studies at University of Wales (B.A. 1950), Oxford (M.Litt. 1954) and McMaster University (M.A. 1969). Ordained priest 1952. In 1952-68 congregational minister in Swansea, Wales. In 1968-70 Tutor…

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SPRATT, Philip

SPRATT, Philip. Camberwell, London 26.9.1902 — Madras (Chennai) 8.3.1971. British Journalist and Politician in India. Son of Herbert Spratt, a schoolmaster, and Norah Walsh, a Baptist home. From 1921 studied mathematics at Downing College, Cambridge, soon became communist. In 1926 went to India as a Comintern agent, arrested 1927, but…

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SMIRNOV, Vasilij Ivanovič

SMIRNOV, Vasilij Ivanovič. Tver gub. 1898 — 19??. Russian Indologist, specialist of Bengali. Son of a farmer. Graduated from teacher college 1918, worked as schoolteacher until 1928. Now studies at Moscow Oriental Institute, soon moved to Leningrad, graduated there 1932. Further studies under Barannikov. From September 1936 Docent at Leningrad…

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SCOTT, Hugh Robert

SCOTT, Hugh Robert. 1859 — 1929. Rev. Irish Presbyterian Missionary in India interested in Numismatics. M.A. Dr. Worked as missionary in Rajkot (1883-97) and Surat, Gujarat, until 1928. In 1926 corresponded with Gandhi, had then been 42 years in India. Married with Jeanie Hill Moore (d. 1946). Publications: Gujarati Poetry:…

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SCALABRINO BORSANI, Giuseppina (or G. Borsani Scalabrino). Milano 9.5.1910 — 22.2.1991. Italian Indologist. Professor in Milano. Studied Sanskrit at Catholic University of Milano under A. Ballini, graduated in 1933. Soon Assistant, then Docent, and from 1954 the first woman in Italy with a Sanskrit chair, at Catholic University of Milano,…

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ROLLAND, Romain. Clamecy (Nièvre) 29.1.1866 — Vézelay (Yonne) 30.12.1944. French author interested in Indian Thought, Personal Friend of Gandhi and Tagore. Also a firm Roman Catholic. Son of a notary, the family moved to Paris in 1880. Studies at École Normale Supérieure, worked as teacher until 1912, then free author.…

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SIMENSCHY, Theofil. Iaşi 27.1.1892 — Iaşi 15.12.1968. Romanian Indologist and Linguist. Professor in Iaşi (Jassy). After lyceum in Iaşi studied from 1910 classical philology and German at University of Iaşi, graduated 1913. Worked as schoolteacher and participated in the WW I. From 1926 Assistant at Iaşi University, Ph.D. there 1927.…

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RAU, Heimo

RAU, Heimo. Breslau 30.12.1912 — Filderstadt, Kr. Esslingen, Baden-Württemberg 30.12.1993. German Art Historian and Indologist. Long time in India. Son of Stadtbaurat Ernst Rau and Hedwig Czeschka (of Austria), both Steinerians. Studies of art history, archaeology and Indology at Vienna. In 1933 Assistant at excavations at Feistritz-Pulst in Carinthia. Ph.D.…

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