HOENS, Dirk Jan

HOENS, Dirk Jan. Oldenzaal 11.8.1920 — 23.2.2003. Dutch scholar of Comparative Religion. Professor in Utrecht. After gymnasium in Leiden and the Hague, from 1939 studies of Indology at Utrecht under Gonda, first interested in language, soon in religion. As his main subject he studied theology, and after his doctorate concentrated…

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HARDY, Friedhelm E

HARDY, Friedhelm Ernst. Köln 1943 — Reading 4.8.2004. German Indologist and Scholar of Indian Religion in the U.K. Started studies of Indology at Münster (under Hacker) and Heidelberg. In 1966 came to the U.K. and continued his studies under Burrow at Oxford. Ph.D. 197? Oxford. In the early 1980s Lecturer…

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LACOMBE, Olivier

LACOMBE, Olivier Auguste. Liège 2.7.1904 — Neuilly-sur-Seine 2.7.2001. French Indologist. Professor in Lille and Paris. Son of engineer, born in Belgium in French family. Educated at Lycée concordet and École Normale Supérieure in Paris. Agrégé de philosophie 1928 and docteur-ès-lettres 1939. In 1939-44 Director of Institute of Philosophy, Faculty of Letters,…

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FRYDMAN, Maurycy

FRYDMAN, Maurycy (Maurice Fr.; Swami Bharatananda). Warsaw 20.10.1901 — Bombay 9.3.1976. Polish Engineer converted to Hinduism. He came to India in the late 1930s as a Jewish refugee from Warsaw and spent the rest of his life there. Worked as managing director of Mysore State Government Electrical Factory in Bangalore, soon…

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DENTON, Lynn Teskey

DENTON, Lynn Teskey (née Lynn Shirley Teskey). Vernon, British Columbia 7.1.1949 — Hamilton, Ontario 1.3.1995. Canadian Anthropologist. Grew up in a farm in Ontario. Studies at McMaster University in Ontarion, B.A. 1972 in Religious Studies and M.A. 1973 in Anthropology. From 1973 further studies at Oxford (Somerville College), B.Litt. 1974, M.Litt. 1975.…

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KLJUEV, Boris Ivanovič

KLJUEV, Boris Ivanovič. Moscow 18.7.1927 — 2000. Russian Urdu-Hindi Scholar. Son of an official. Graduated 1952 Moscow. Kand. filol. nauk 1964 Moscow. Dr. ist. nauk 1982. In 1952-71 in Foreign Ministry: in 1952-54 and 1956-60 in Pakistan, 1964-68 in India. In 1971-82 worked in CK KPSS, in 1982-88 taught at…

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KINSLEY, David Robert. Holyoke, MA 25.4.1939 — Hamilton, Ontario 24.4.2000. U.S. Scholar of Hindu Religion in Canada. Studies at Drew University (B.A. 1961), Union Theological Seminary (B.D. 1964) and Chicago University (Ph.D. 1970). Taught at McMaster University, 1969-2000, chair of department 1989-94. Married 1964 Carolyn (Cary) Crittenden Reiner. Publications: Articles, e.g.…

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HOFFMANN, Paul Theodor

HOFFMANN, Paul Theodor. Putlitz, Kr. Prignitz, Brandenburg 26.1.1891 — Hamburg 5.7.1952. German Student of Indology, then Publisher and Archivist. Studies at Munich, Grenoble, Berlin and Tübingen (Garbe). Ph.D. 1915 Tübingen. In 1918-21 worked for Dresdner Neueste Nachrichten, 1921-26 for Hamburger Anzeiger. In 1926-33 town archivist of Altona, then employed by…

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QUILES, Ismael

QUILES Sánchez, Ismael. Pedralba, Valencia 4.7.1906 — Buenos Aires 8.2.1993. S.J. Spanish Oriental Scholar in Argentina. In 1918-22 studies at seminary of Valencia, in 1922 joined S.J. Then further studies at Jesuit College in Zaragoza. Ph.D. 1930 Colegio Máximo de San Ignacio, Barcelona. Suffered of tuberculosis and moved to Santa…

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SCHNEIDER, Ulrich. Peres, Kr. Borna (Sachsen) 2.4.1922 — 30.5.1992. German Indologist. Professor in Freiburg and Münster. In 1940 began studies of classics at Leipzig, soon switched to Indology under F. Weller, continued after long military service in navy. Now also took some Chinese and Japanese. Ph.D. 1950 Leipzig. Worked as…

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