DENTON, Lynn Teskey

DENTON, Lynn Teskey (née Lynn Shirley Teskey). Vernon, British Columbia 7.1.1949 — Hamilton, Ontario 1.3.1995. Canadian Anthropologist. Grew up in a farm in Ontario. Studies at McMaster University in Ontarion, B.A. 1972 in Religious Studies and M.A. 1973 in Anthropology. From 1973 further studies at Oxford (Somerville College), B.Litt. 1974, M.Litt. 1975. Then fieldwork in India and teaching at McMaster, In 1984-89 Assistant Professor at Department of Religion, Concordia University in Montreal, but she was often ill and had to resign. Died of leukaemia. Married 1986 Frank Denton, one daughter (b. 1990).

She did fieldwork in Varanasi in the late 1970s, wrote her diss. in the late 1980s, revised it in the early 1990s, and it was finally edited by her husband and St. Collins. The 1991 article was her only other publication.

Publications: “Varieties of Hindu Female Asceticism”, J. Leslie (ed.), Roles and Rituals for Hindu Women. L. 1991, 211-231.

Female Ascetics in Hinduism. 9+218 p. N.Y. 2004.

Sources: St. Collins, Foreword to her only book; obituary by N.J. Allen in

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