FRIEDMAN, David Lazar

FRIEDMAN, David Lazar (Lasar). Amsterdam 26.2.1903 — London 11.4.1984. Dutch Buddhist Scholar and Art Historian in the U.K. Born in a Jewish family engaged in diamond trade. After school in Amsterdam he studied three years Sanskrit at Utrecht (under Caland), then history of religion, Sanskrit and Indian art and archaeology…

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FRAUWALLNER, Erich. Wien-Währing 28.12.1898 — Vienna 5.7.1974. Austrian Indologist and Tibetan Scholar. Professor in Vienna. Son of the financial secretary (later wirkl. Hofrath) Friedrich Fr. and Maria Barbara Riedler. School in Vienna. In 1915 started learning Sanskrit still as a schoolboy. In 1916 to army, served two and a half…

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FRANK, Othmar

FRANK, Othmar (born Johann Georg Frank). Bamberg 8.5.1770 — Vienna 16.9.1840. German Pioneer of Indology. Professor in Munich. Son of Konrad Frank, a master tailor, and Maria-Anna Köberlein. After school he entered the Benedictine monastery of Banz near Bamberg (now taking the new name Othmar Frank), and was ordained there…

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FORMICHI, Carlo. Naples 14.2.1871 — Rome 13.12.1943. Italian Indologist. Professor in Rome. Son of a stockbroker, mother of Greek origin. Studied at Naples law and letters (Indology under Kerbaker), laureatosi in Giurisprudenza 1891, in Lettere 1893. In 1894-95 taught at Ginnasio di Reggio di Calabria. In 1896-97 further studies of…

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FORLONG, James George Roche. Springhall, Lanarkshire 11.1824 — Edinburgh 29.3.1904. British (Scottish) Military Engineer and Scholar of Religion in India. Major-General. Son of William F., of Erines, and Crawfurd Pollock Gordon. Educated as an engineer, joined the Indian army in 1843. “In the S. Mahratta Company, 1845-6, in the Madras…

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FOLKERT, Kendall W.

FOLKERT, Kendall Wayne. 5.3.1942 — Ahmedabad, Gujarat 29.10.1985. U.S. Scholar of Indian Religion. Son of Wallace F. and Myrtle Catherine De Witt. Studies at Western Michigan University (B.A. 1964) and Harvard, also at Göttingen (C. Colpe). Ph.D. 1975 Harvard (under Ingalls), fieldwork for this in Varanasi 1972. Associate Professor at…

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FLEET, John Faithfull

FLEET, John Faithfull. Royston (Chiswick) 1.5.1847 — London 21.2.1917. British Indologist (Epigraphist and Historian). Son of John George Fleet, a wholesale sugar dealer, and Esther Faithful, educated at Merchant Taylor’s School in London. In 1865 he passed the I.C.S. examination and began studies at University College in London, including Sanskrit…

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FLECHIA, Giovanni

FLECHIA, Giovanni. Piverone (Piemonte) 6.11.1811 — Piverone 3.7.1892. Italian Indologist. Professor in Turin. Son of Carlo F., a physician, and Teresa Mosca. As a young man worked as secretary in a noble family (of conti Balbo) in Turin and attended some courses at University, later also studies in Paris and…

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FERRARIO, Benigno. Italy 21.9.1887 — 1956. Italian Linguist in Uruguay, interested in Sanskrit. Graduated from I.U.O. in Naples. Emigrated to Uruguay in 1923 and worked as translator for the High Court. Finally Profesor de Lenguas Clásicas y Filosofia at Montevideo University, where he occasionally taught Sanskrit in the 1940s. Publications:…

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FAUSBØLL, Michael Viggo

FAUSBØLL, Michael Viggo. Hove near Lemvig 22.9.1821 — Charlottenlund near Copenhagen 3.6.1908. Danish Indologist. Professor in Copenhagen. Son of Rev. Christian Nissen F. (1779–1840) and Dorothea Appolone Haksen. Educated in Aarhus, matriculated 1838. Studied at Copenhagen philosophy, aesthetics and theology, with the only intention of securing a living, as he…

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