GREENBERG, Joseph (Joe) H.

GREENBERG, Joseph (Joe) Harold. Brooklyn, New York 28.5.1915 — Stanford, Calif. 7.5.2001. U.S. Linguist. Born in a Jewish family, father of Polish (original surname Zyto) and mother of German origin. After Hebrew elementary school studied Latin and German at James Madison High School. From 1932 college studies at Columbia (B.A.…

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GOTTLIEB, Eugene (Jenő G.). Szepesség (then in Hungary, now Spiš in Slovakia) 28.7.1894 — New York City 28.12.1962. U.S. (born Hungarian Jew) Linguist. Son of Markus Moses G. and Rose Rezl Guttman. Ph.D. at New York University. Instructor at Ohio State University (1931), then Assistant Professor of Germanic and Slavonic…

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GIMBUTAS, Marija (Lith. Marija Gimbutienė, born Marija Birutė Alseikaitė). Vilnius 23.1.1921 — Los Angeles 2.2.1994. Lithuanian Archaeologist in the U.S.A. Professor in Los Angeles. Daughter of two physicians, Danielius Alseika (d. 1936) and Veronika Janulaitytė-Alseikienė. In 1931 the family moved to Kaunas and parents divorced. After gymnasium in Kaunas studied linguistics…

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DJUVERNUA, Aleksandr Lvovič (Alexandre Duvernoy)

DJUVERNUA, Aleksandr Lvovič (Alexandre Duvernoy). Moscow 1840 — Moscow 16/28.3.1886.Russian Slavonic Linguist and Philologist. Born in a French family resident in Russia from 1810. After school in Moscow studied from 1855 law and history at Moscow University, but gradually switched to philology. Beside Slavic he was specially interested in Lithuanian, but…

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DIVER, William

DIVER, William. Chicago 20.7.1921 — Nantucket, MA 31.8.1995. U.S. Linguist. B.A. 1942 Lawrence College. In WW II served in U.S. Navy. M.A. Harvard, in English. Ph.D. Columbia University, in IE Linguistics. From 1965 taught at Columbia, finally as Professor, emeritus1989. He is known as the founder of the Columbia School…

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COSERIU, Eugenio

COSERIU, Eugenio (Eugeniu Coşeriu). Mihăileni, Bălţi (now in Moldova) 27.7.1921 — Tübingen 7.9.2002. Romanian Comparative Linguist in Uruguay and Germany. High school in Bălti. Studies at Iaşi and from 1940 in Rome. Ph.D. 1944 Rome. In 1944-45 taught at Padova, 1945-49 at Milano. In 1950-63 Professor of General and Indo-European…

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CLAFLIN, Edith Frances

CLAFLIN, Edith Frances. Quincy, MA 6.10.1875 — New York City 5.3.1953. U.S. Linguist and Classical Scholar. Daughter of Frederick Allan Claflin and Narcissa Adelaide Avery. Studies at Radcliffe College (B.A. 1897), then at Bryn Mawr, 1899-1900 in Athens. A.M. and Ph.D. 1904 Bryn Mawr. Taught Greek and Latin in Massachusetts,…

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CHRÉTIEN, Charles Douglas

CHRÉTIEN, Charles Douglas. 1904 — Berkeley 3.11.1969. U.S. Linguist. Studies at Hamilton College (A.B. and A.M.), then three years Instructor there. Graduate studies at Harvard, A.M. 1931 and Ph.D. 1932. From 1931 Instructor at Berkeley and, after interruption caused by war (he served in Navy in the Pacific), from 1951…

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CHADWICK, Hector Munro. Thornhill Lees, Yorkshire 22.10.1870 — Cambridge 2.1.1947. British Linguist and Philologist. Professor in Cambridge. Son of Rev. Edward Ch. and Sarah Anne Bates. Educated at Bradford and Wakefield Grammar Schools, from 1889 studies at Cambridge. B.A. 1892, from 1893 Fellow at Clare, 1903-11 also Librarian of the College.…

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CANEDO GRILLE, José. Tordoia, Galicia 22.2.1902 — Lens 29.12.1945. Spanish Linguist. Studies at seminary of Santiago de Compostela and at University of Granada, then 7 years IE, Indology and classics at Berlin. In the Spanish civil war he took Franco’s side. From 1943 taught Spanish at Heidelberg University. Publications: Zur Wort- und…

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