KEY, T. Hewitt

KEY, Thomas Hewitt. London 20.3.1799 — London 29.11.1875. British Classical Scholar. Son of Thomas Key, a physician, and Mary Lux Barry. Educated at Buntingford grammar school, Hertfordshire. Studies at St. John’s and Trinity Colleges, Cambridge, graduated B.A. 1821, M.A. 1824. Also studied medicine. In 1825-27 Professor of Pure mathematics at the…

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HUDSON-WILLIAMS, Thomas. Caernarfon, Gwynedd 4.2.1873 — 12.4.1961. British (Welsh) Celtologist and Comparative Linguist. Professor in Bangor. Son of R. Williams. Educated in Bangor. Studies at University College of North Wales in Bangor (graduated 1894) and Greifswald (Zimmer). D.Litt. 1911 London. From 1896 Assistant Lecturer in French and German at Bangor,…

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HEINZ, Adam. Cracow 20.11.1914 — Cracow 1.6.1984. Polish IE and Slavic Linguist. Professor at Cracow. After school in Cracow in 1934-46 studies of classics and IE under Kuryłowicz et al. at Lwów (Lviv). Ph.D. 1950 Cracow, under Safarewicz. In 1959-70 taught Latin, Greek and Slavonic at Cracow Pedagogical University. From…

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HARTMANN, Hans Adolf Dietrich. Rüstringen bei Wilhelmshaven 18.11.1909 — 11.12.2000. German Linguist and Celtologist. Son of a policeman, Gustav H., and Johanna Theiken, educated in Jever. From 1928 studies of classics, Indology and IE at Marburg, 1930 to Berlin. Ph.D. 1933 Berlin (diss. on Russian). In 1937-39 studied Irish at…

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GOIDANICH (Gojdanić), Pier Gabriele

GOIDANICH (Gojdanić), Pier Gabriele. Volosca di Lussimpiccolo (now Volosko in Croatia) 30.6.1868 — Bologna 27.10.1953. Italian (with Croatian background) Linguist. Son of Croatian parents, Pietro G. and Antonella (Antonietta?) Stuparich. Gymnasium in Capodistria (Koper). Studies at Milano under Ascoli, then teacher in Campania. From 1899 taught as PD at Pisa,…

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GEORGIEV, Vladimir I.

GEORGIEV, Vladimir Ivanov. Gabare near Byala Slatina 3. or 6.2.1908 — Sofia 14.7.1986. Bulgarian IE Linguist and Specialist of Balkan (especially Thracian and Illyrian) and Anatolian Languages. Studied classics and IE (under Mladenov) at Sofia in 1926-30, further studies at Vienna 1933-34, Berlin 1935-36, Florence 1939-40 and Paris 1946-47. Ph.D.…

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FEIST, Sigmund

FEIST, Samuel Sigmund. Mainz 12.6.1865 — Copenhagen 23.3.1943. German IE Linguist and Pedagogue. Son of David F. and Juliana Marx. Ph.D. Director of the Reichenheim Orphanage in Berlin, 1906-35. In 1939 emigrated as Jew to Denmark and died there, the widow and daughters escaped to the U.S.A. Married Antonie (Toni)…

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DERVICHIAN, Serope (Seraphin Dervischjan). 1846 — 1899. Armenian Linguist. Mekhitarist, studied at Vienna, mainly Sanskrit and Pehlevi. Hübschmann wrote very negative review of his book (ZDMG 30, 1876, 774-779). Publications: Armeniaka. 1. Das altarmenische “k”. Ein Beitrag zur indo-europäischen Lautlehre. 117 p. Vienna 1877; La langue primitive indo-européenne. 1885 (???).…

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CANALEJAS, Francisco de Paula

CANALEJAS, Francisco de Paula. Lucena 2.4.1834 — Madrid 4.5.1883. Spanish Scholar of Literature interested in Indo-European. Studies at Madrid, graduated in humanities 1856, in law 1857, Ph.D. 1858. In 1860-62 Professor of Literature at Valladolid, then eo. Professor at Madrid. Also worked as advocate. Attended Garcia Ayuso’s Sanskrit classes in…

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ZUBATÝ, Josef. Prague 20.4.1855 (or 1851?) — Prague 21.3.1931. Czechoslovakian Indologist and Slavic Scholar. Professor in Prague. Studied classical philology, Czech, Sanskrit and Comparative Linguistics at Prague (under Ludwig). Ph.D. 1883. PD 1885 Prague, in the Czech branch of the University, succeeding Vaníček in Sanskrit teaching. From 1894 Professor of…

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