WILS, Johannes Arnoldus Fredericus

WILS, Johannes Arnoldus Fredericus. Nijmegen 16.8.1901 — 1975. Dutch Linguist. Ph.D. Professor at Nijmegen Catholic University. He was also interested in non-IE languages (African and South American). Publications: De oorsprong van het verbale r-passief in de indogermaansche talen. 52 p. MKNAW 3:11. Amsterdam 1940. – Articles. Sources: Scanty stray notes in Internet.

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SCHUCHARDT, Hugo. Gotha 4.2.1842 — Graz 21.4.1927. German Linguist in Austria. Professor in Graz. Son of Ernst Julius Sch., a lawyer, and Malvina von Bridel-Brideri. Gymnasium in Gotha. Began his studies at Jena, soon switched from law to philology and moved to Bonn. Ph.D. 1864 Bonn (under Ritschl). Further studies…

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SAPIR, Edward

SAPIR, Edward. Lauenburg, Pomerania (now Lębork, Poland) 26.1.1884 — New Haven 4.2.1939. U.S. Linguist and Anthropologist. Born in a Lithuanian Orthodox Jewish family, which emigrated to the U.S.A. in 1890, son of Jakob S. Grew up in Richmond, Virginia, and New York. From 1901 studies of Germanic and IE Linguistics…

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PORRU, Giulia

PORRU, Giulia. 1913 — 2000 (?). Italian Linguist. Studies at Florence, i.a. under Devoto. Ph.D. 1937 Florence, PD in glottologia 1943. From 1946 Professore indaricato di filologia Germanica at Florence, also taught general linguistics. She was the first Italian to show interest in phonology. Publications: “I verbi della VII classe dell’antico…

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POLOMÉ, Edgar C.

POLOMÉ, Edgar Ghislain Charles. Molenbeck-Saint-Jean near Brussels 31.7.1920 — Houston 11.3.2000. Belgian Linguist in the U.S.A. Professor in Austin, Texas. Son of a Walloon father (Marcel P.) and Flemish mother (Berthe). Studies at Free University Brussels (B.A. 1940) and after war service at Catholic University Louvain (M.A. 1943), learned Sanskrit from Lamotte.…

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LEXER, Mattias (Ritter von)

LEXER, Mattias (Ritter von). Liesing im Lesachtal 18.10.1830 — Nürnberg 16.4.1892. Austrian Germanist in Germany. Son of Andreas L., a mill owner, and Elisabeth Goller. After gymnasium in Klagenfurt studied first law at Graz, but soon switched to German, then also at Vienna. After two years (1855-57) as teacher in Cracow…

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KLICH, Edward

KLICH, Edward. Skalat (now in Ukraina) 2.2.1878 — Poznań 1.12.1939. Polish Linguist, Specialist of Slavic and Gipsy Languages. Student of Rozwadowski at Cracow. From 1929 Professor at Poznań. Killed by Nazis. Publications: Wrote on Slavic linguistics (Polish and Belarus). – “Wpływy języka polskiego na dialekty Cyganów polskich”, Prace polonist. ofiar. prof. Janowi…

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HRKAL, Eduard

HRKAL, Eduard. 18?? — Vienna 11.8.1948. Czech Linguist. Called Professor (1939), probably at the gymnasium of Mariańské Lázně. Active as early as 1895 and 1910 (articles about the French dialect of Picardie). He suggested that Etruscan belongs to the “Turanian division of Ural-Altaic” and apparently invented Turkic etymologies for Etruscan…

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GEORGAKAS, Demetrios I.

GEORGAKAS, Demetrios Ioannes (Δημήτριος Ιωάννης Γεωργακάς; Demetrius John Georgacas). Siderokastro 13.1.1908 — Grand Forks, ND 7.2.1990. Greek Linguist and Classical Scholar in Germany and the U.S.A. Born in Greek Macedonia. Studied Greek literature at Athens in 1826-31, 1934-46 worked as compiler at Greek Academy. From 1938 further studies at Berlin…

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GEDNEY, William J.

GEDNEY, William John. Orchards, Wash. 4.4.1915 — Ann Arbor 14.11.1999. U.S. Linguist, interested in Sanskrit, Pāli and especially Thai. Professor in Ann Arbor. Son of John Marshall G. (d. 1918) and Lillian Viola Woster. Educated at Whitman College (A.B. 1935). Ph.D. in Indic and Far Eastern Languages 1947 at Yale.…

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