ROSS, Aileen D.

ROSS, Aileen Dansken. Montreal 1902 — 1995. Canadian Sociologist. Born of a wealthy family. Studies at London School of Economics (B.Sc. 1939) and University of Chicago (M.A. 1941). Ph.D. 1951 Chicago (diss. on Anglo-French relations in Canada). In 1942-45 Lecturer in Sociology at Toronto. From 1944 Lecturer, 1951 Assistant Professor,…

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SLATER, Robert H. L.

SLATER, Robert Henry Lawson. Newcastle-upon-Tyne 8.2.1896 — 24.12.1984. Rev. British Buddhist Scholar in North America. Son of Harold Slater and Jane Lawson. Grew up in Yorkshire. Lost early his parents and worked as reporter in Newcastle. From 1919 studies of Theology at Emmanuel College (B.A. 1922), Cambridge, then at Jesus College 1922-24.…

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CRAIG, James Alexander

CRAIG, James Alexander. Fitzroy Harbour, Ontario 5.3.1855 — Toronto 16.5.1932. Canadian Linguist. Son of James Craig, a farmer, and Rachel Cughan. Studies of philosophy at McGill (B.A. 1880 and M.A. 1883) and theology at Yale (B.D. 1883). Ordained 1883. Then three years further studies at Leipzig (Ph.D. 1886 under Delitzsch).…

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WALTER, Hermann

WALTER, Hermann. 1863 (?) — 1952 (?). Swiss (?) Student of Indology. Ph.D. 1893 Munich (E. Kuhn). For his dissertation studied manuscripts in England. The title page of the diss. makes it clear that his doctorate was indeed at Munich University. However, the Canadian page presents Hermann Walter (1863–1952) of…

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EATON, Adoniram Judson

EATON, Adoniram Judson. Granville Centre, co. Annapolis, Nova Scotia 16.10.1850 — Knowlton, Quebec 1.8.1929. Canadian Indologist and Classical Scholar. Son of Thomas Woodworth E. and Mary Ann Withers. Studies at Acadia University (B.A. 1873, M.A. 1877), Harvard (B.A. 1876) and Yale. In 1877-79 Headmaster of Amherst Academy, Mass., then Principal…

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