STERN, Philippe

STERN, Philippe Gérard Isaïe Simon. Paris 11.4.1895 — Paris 4.4.1979. French Art Historian specialized in Indian and South-East Asian (Khmer & Champa) Art. Son of Lazare René Stern and Cécile Marie Charlotte May. Studies in Paris under Finot et al. In 1921-29 attachée, then Conservateur-adjoint and 1954-65 Conservateur-en-chef of Musée Guimet…

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WINSTEDT, Richard Olaf. Oxford 2.8.1878 — Putney, London 2.6.1966. Sir. British South-East Asian (Malay) Scholar. Son of a naturalized Swedish father and English mother, Sarah Castell. Educated at Magdalen College School and New College, Oxford. In 1902 joined Malayan Civil Service, served first in Perak. From 1913 District Officer at…

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PRZYLUSKI, Jean (Jan Przyłuski). Le Mans 17.8.1885 — Mareil-sur-Loir 27.10.1944. French Indologist, South East Asian scholar and Linguist. Professor in Paris. Born of an originally Polish family, educated in Rennes and Paris. In 1907-13 at E.F.E.O. in Indochina, 1912 visited China. In 1913 returned to Paris and continued his studies under Lévi,…

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UHLIG, Helmut

UHLIG, Helmut. Chemnitz 18.5.1922 — Rotenburg an der Wümme 24.2.1997. German Teacher and Author interested in Buddhist Studies. Son of post official Georg Uhlig and his wife Olga, a leftist family highly critical towards Nazis. Matriculated in 1942, then in army, but was wounded in Balkan and could begin the…

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MUS, Paul

MUS, Paul Léon Joseph. Bourges (Cher) 1.6.1902 — Murs (Vaucluse) 9.8.1969. French Art Historian, Sociologist and Indologist. Professor in Paris. Son of a protestant couple of teachers, in 1907 the family moved to Vietnam (English Wikipedia Hanoi, French Saigon). Studies in Paris under Lévi, Mauss, Pelliot, etc., of Sanskrit, Chinese,…

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MASON, Francis

MASON, Francis. York 2.4.1799 — Rangoon 3.3.1874. Rev. British Missionary in Burma, a Scholar of Pāli and Karen, lay Botanist. Son of Thomas Mason, a shoemaker and Baptist preacher, born in York “where his grandfather had founded a Baptist Society.” Worked himself as shoemaker with his father, but “in 1818…

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LOHUIZEN-DE LEEUW, Johanna Engelberta van

LOHUIZEN-DE LEEUW, Johanna Engelberta van (née de Leeuw, Joan). Amsterdam 25.10.1919 — Amsterdam 8.12.1983. Dutch Indologist and Art Historian. Professor in Amsterdam. Daughter of Willem Carel de Leeuw and Margareta Lievina Muller, spent part of her childhood in the U.S.A. and came back to the Netherlands to school. Studies of…

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LINGAT, Robert

LINGAT, Robert Arthur. Charleville-Mézières (Ardennes) 22.12.1892 — Paris 7.5.1972. French Lawyer, Indologist and South-East Asian Scholar, long time in South-East Asia. After school in Charleville and law degree in Paris studied Sanskrit, Pāli (under H. Smith) and Thai (Lorgeou). In the WW I he served as interpreter for forces sent by…

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LEYDEN, John Casper. Denholm, Cavers, Roxburghshire 8.9.1775 — Batavia (Jakarta) 28.8.1811 (or 10.9.?). British (Scottish) Physician and Orientalist, a Pioneer of South-East Asian Studies. Son of John Leyden, a shepherd, and Isabella Scott. He was educated at Kirktown parish school and Edinburgh University, learned Oriental languages already at home in Edinburgh…

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KARPELÈS, Suzanne. Paris 17.3.1890 — Aurobindo Ashram in Vellore 7.11.1968. French Indologist (Buddhist Scholar). Her father (a Greek [Jewish] merchant living in France) imported indigo from India, she spent part of her early life in Calcutta and spoke fluent Bengali. After studies in Paris under Lévi, Foucher and Finot (in…

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