ORTA, García d’

ORTA, García d’ (G. de Orta, ab Horto, del Jardin; Anrique de Orta). Castelo de Vide 1501? — Velha Goa 1568 (or at latest 1572). Spanish physician and botanist in Portuguese service in India, from 1534 until his death. Born in eastern Portugal as the son of Spanish Jewish refugees,…

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MÜLLER, Reinhold F. G.

MÜLLER, Reinhold Franz Gustav. Berlin 16.4.1882 — Einsiedel bei Chemnitz 2.2.1966. German (East) Indologist and Physician. Son of a Gustav Müller (1851–1941), a schoolteacher. Grew up in Berlin, often spent summers in Innsbruck. In 1902-07 studies of medicine at Berlin and Innsbruck, then Assistant at Greifswald until 1911. Dr.med. 1909…

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MANENGO, Andrea. 18?? — 1???. Italian Physician interested in Āyurveda. Studies around 1850. Dr. Med. Worked in Brescia (1852), then in Guastalla. Publications: Susruta Ayurveda, ossia i codici dell’ antica sapienza medica indiana e sua priorita sulla greca. 24 p. Velletri 1892; medical writings. Sources: Title only in Gli studi…

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LIÉTARD, Gustave

LIÉTARD, Gustave Alexandre. Domrémy-la-Pucelle (Vosges, Lorraine) 4.4. 1833 — Plombières-les-Bains (Vosges) 8.2.1904. French Physician and Indologist. Son of a viticulturist, he was educated at College of Toul and studied at Faculté de médecine in Strasbourg. Dr.med. 1858 Strasbourg. At Faculté de lettres he also learned the elements of Sanskrit under…

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KORVIN-KRASINSKI, Cyrill von (also written Korwin-Kr., Polish Cyryl Krasiński, lay Jan Kasímierz hr. Korwin-Krasiński). Mszana Dolna (then Austria, now Poland) 5.9.1905 — Maria Laach 1992. German (born Polish) Theologian and Scholar of Symbolism and Tibetan Medicine. Son of Henryk Piotr Zygmunt Krasiński (1866–1928). Ph.D. 1948 Mainz. Catholic priest and Benedictine monk…

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KIRFEL, Willibald

KIRFEL, Willibald. Reifferscheid, Eifel 29.1.1885 — Bad Godesberg 16.10. 1964. German Indologist. Professor in Bonn. Son of Johann K., teacher in elementary school, and Anna Maria Huy. In 1904-08 studies of Oriental languages and Catholic theology at Bonn. Ph.D. 1908 Bonn (Jacobi). In 1911-21 Librarian in Bonn university library. From…

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HOERNLE, A. F. Rudolf

HOERNLE, Augustus Frederick Rudolf. Sikandra near Agra 19.10.1841 — Oxford 12.11.1918. British (of German background) Teacher and Indologist in India. Son of the missionary Christian Theophilus H. (1804–1882, translated the Gospels into Urdū) and Luise Mögling, born as British citizen. In 1848 he was sent to his grandparents in Germany…

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HILGENBERG, Luise. Essen 2.1.1886 — 1.2.1942. German Physician and Indologist. Dr.med. 1922 Bonn, Dr. phil. 1933 Bonn (under Kirfel). Practising physician in Bonn. Publications: Diss. med. Ueber Kindsmord in oder gleich nach der Geburt. 46 p. Bonn 1922. – Diss. phil. specimen of 20+40 p. 1933, whole work publ. as…

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HESSLER, Franz. Krombach bei Aschaffenburg 15.10.1799 — Munich 17.6.1890. German Physician and Indologist in Bavaria. Son of a farmer, educated in Aschaffenburg. Began his philological studies at Würzburg, then 1822-27 medicine and philology at Heidelberg, Erlangen and Würzburg. Ph.D. (dr. phil.) 1827 Würzburg. From 1828 Assistant Physician in Würzburg, 1830…

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JOLLY, Julius E

JOLLY, Julius E. Heidelberg 28.12.1849 — Würzburg 25.4.1932. German Indologist. Professor in Würzburg. Born in a family with strong academic traditions, son of Philipp von Jolly (1809–1884), later Professor of Physics at Munich, and Luise Wüstenfeld. In 1867-71 studies of Oriental, Indo-Iranian and IE linguistics at Munich (Haug), Berlin (Weber)…

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