GOIDANICH (Gojdanić), Pier Gabriele

GOIDANICH (Gojdanić), Pier Gabriele. Volosca di Lussimpiccolo (now Volosko in Croatia) 30.6.1868 — Bologna 27.10.1953. Italian (with Croatian background) Linguist. Son of Croatian parents, Pietro G. and Antonella (Antonietta?) Stuparich. Gymnasium in Capodistria (Koper). Studies at Milano under Ascoli, then teacher in Campania. From 1899 taught as PD at Pisa,…

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GATTI, Riccardo

GATTI, Riccardo. 18?? — 19??. Italian Linguist. Ph.D. A friend of Trombetti, followed his methods of daring linguistics comparisons. The Andaman–Papua–Australian language family (also combined with Munda and Dravidian) never found many followers. He was teacher (professor) of Greek and Latin at Ginnasio Vittorio Emanuele II in Jesi (Ancona), also…

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PEROGLIO, Celestino

PEROGLIO, Celestino. Palestro 1824 — Bologna 1909. Italian Historian and Geographer, interested in Indian Literature. Taught history and geography at technical school in Vercelli (founded by himself in 1854) and finally at University of Bologna. A Garibaldian nationalist and a freemason (grand master of Grande Oriente d’Italia). Publications: Del principio…

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TURRINI, Giuseppe

TURRINI, Giuseppe. Avio nel Trentino (then Austrian) 5.4.1826 — Bologna 7.2.1899 (C.M. 24.1.). Italian Indologist. Professor in Bologna. Son of Ludovico T. and Cattarina Libera. Educated in Rovereto and Trento, began medical studies at Padova. Active in pro-Italian politics in the Austrian-ruled territory, in 1848 had to escape to Pisa,…

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TROVANELLI, Silvio. Bologna 18?? — Bologna before 1911. Italian Legal Scholar interested in Indology. Graduated 1883 Bologna (in Law). Worked as lawyer, also Docent of Juridical Philosophy (libera docente in Filosofia del diritto) at Bologna University. In his book he used translations, for the Rāmāyaṇa Gorresio, for the Raghuvaṁśa Fauche.…

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TROMBETTI, Alfredo. Bologna 6/16.1.1866 — Venice 5.7.1929. Italian Linguist, Polyglot and Orientalist. Of modest origin, son of elder A.Tr., a textile worker, and Viola Mingozzi. He learned goldsmith’s work, but when his talents were noted, the town Bologna paid for his school from 1883 on. Studies at Bologna, “laureato in…

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TEZA, Emilio

TEZA, Emilio. Venice 14.9.1831 — Padua 28.3./30.4.1912. Italian Indologist. Pro­fes­sor in Pisa and Padua. Studies at Padova, then at Vienna Greek, Slavistics and Hungarian, also Sanskrit under Boller. Back in Italy worked as librarian in Marciana (Venice) and Laurenziana (Florence). In 1860-66 Professore di letterature moderne comparate at Bologna (taught…

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PULLÈ, Francesco Lorenzo

PULLÈ, Francesco Lorenzo Ubaldo Cesare Francesco, conte di San Florian. Modena 17.5.1850 — Ebrusco near Brescia 22.8.1934. Italian Indologist. Professor in Padova, Pisa and Bologna. Son of Carlo Augusto Dionigi Pullè (1819–1898), an officer, and Virginia Ricci. Studies at Florence (De Gubernatis) and Berlin (Weber, also Mommsen and Kiepert). In…

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PETTAZZONI, Raffaele. San Giovanni in Persiceto, near Bologna 3.2.1883 — Rome 8.12.1959. Italian Scholar of Comparative Religion. Professor in Rome. Son of Cesare P. and Maria Luigia Minezzi. Studies of archaeology, etc. at Bologna and Rome. Ph.D. 1905 Bologna. From 1909 worked at Sardinian Department of Antiquities in Museo preistorico…

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PAPESSO, Valentino

PAPESSO, Valentino. Verona 29.8.1888 — 1944. Italian Indologist. Professor in Bologna. Studies at Bologna, graduated 1911. School teacher, also Docent of Sanskrit at Bologna University, then Professor incaricato there. He emphasized the IE heritage reflecting in the Veda. Publications: Edited: “Il ‘Pinākinīmāhātmyam’ attribuito al Brahmāṇḍapurāṇam”, GSAI 27, 1915, 81-128. –…

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