BRASSAI, Sámuel. Torockó (now Rimetea in Romania) or Torockószentgyörgy (Coltești) 15.6.1797 or 13.2.1800 — Kolozsvár (now Cluj-Napoca in Romania) 27.6.1897. Hungarian Philosopher and Polyhistor, who translated a specimen of the Hitopadeśa in 1884. Born in a Transylvanian Saxon family, son of the elder Samuel Br., a priest and teacher, and…

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BOGDAN-DUICĂ, Gheorghe (born Gh. Bogdan).  Brassó/Kronstadt, Hungary (now Braşov in Romania)) 2.1.1866 — Braşov 21.9.1931. Romanian Literate interested in Indian Literature. Son of a poor merchant, Ioan Bogdan and Elena Munteanu. After school in Braşov from 1885 studies at Budapest, Jena and Vienna (but degree only at Bucharest 1897). Then…

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