ANTKOWSKI, Ferdynand

ANTKOWSKI, Ferdynand. 26.3.1914 — 1962.  Polish Linguist. Ph.D. Docent at Poznań. Publications:La chronologie de la monophtongaison des diphtongues dans les langues indo-européennes. 55 p. Poznański Towarzystwo Przyjacioł Nauk: Prace Komisji filologicznej 16:4. Poznań 1956. Sources: *L. Zabrocki, Slavia occidentalis 23, 1963, 325-327.

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KUDZINOWSKI, Czesław. Wodziłówka, Podlasia 8.10.1908 — Poznań 2.3.1988. Polish Linguist, beside Indo-European also Specialist of Finno-Ugrian and Uralic. Professor in Poznań. Son of a small farmer. From 1928 studies of theology at Wilno (then Polish, now Lithuanian Vilnius), soon switched to IE linguitics. M.A. 1935. In 1935-37 further studies of…

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KLICH, Edward

KLICH, Edward. Skalat (now in Ukraina) 2.2.1878 — Poznań 1.12.1939. Polish Linguist, Specialist of Slavic and Gipsy Languages. Student of Rozwadowski at Cracow. From 1929 Professor at Poznań. Killed by Nazis. Publications: Wrote on Slavic linguistics (Polish and Belarus). – “Wpływy języka polskiego na dialekty Cyganów polskich”, Prace polonist. ofiar. prof. Janowi…

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RUDNICKI, Mikołaj. Sokołow Podlaski, Masovia 6.12.1881 — Puszczykowo near Poznań 28.6.1978. Polish Linguist. Son of Szymon Rudnicki and Zofia Bałkowa. Studies at Cracow (under Rozwadowski). PD 1911 Cracow. From 1919 Professor of IE Linguistics at new Poznań University (ord. 1921), taught there until retired (with the interruption caused by the…

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ŚMIESZEK, Anton. 22.5.1881 — 1943. Polish Oriental Scholar. Ph.D. 1905 Cracow. From 1921 Assistant Professor at Poznań, 1922 eo. and 1925 ord. of Ancient Near East and Sanskrit, but in 1935 the Minister of Education decided to put an end to Oriental Studies at Poznań and his chair was closed.…

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OTRĘBSKI, Jan Szczepan. Silica, Silesia 8.12.1889 — Poznań 25.4.1971. Polish IE and Balto-Slavic Scholar. Professor in Wilno (Vilnius) and Poznań. Educated in Kielce, studies at Warsaw and Leipzig (Windisch). During WW I interned, working in a German brick factory. After war continued studies at Cracow. Ph.D. there 1920 (under Rozwadowski).…

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