JETTMAR, Karl Josef. Vienna 8.8.1918 — Heidelberg 28.3.2002. Austrian Anthropologist in Germany, famous Specialist of North Pakistan. Son of Rudolf J. (1869–1939), an Art Nouveau painter, and Maria Mayer, grew up in Vienna. Roman Catholic.  Began studies of history and German at Vienna in 1936, soon turned to anthropology (i.a. under…

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TOMASCHEK, Wilhelm (Vilém Tomášek). Olmütz, Moravia (now Olomouc in Czech) 26.5.1841 — Vienna 9.9.1901. Austrian (Czech) Geographer and Oriental Scholar. Son of gymnasium teacher Johann Adolf T. (d. 1849), a German family with Czech name. Gymnasium in Vienna. Studies of classical philology, linguistics, history and geography at Vienna 1860-64, then gymnasium…

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BRÜCKE, Ernst Wilhelm (von)

BRÜCKE, Ernst Wilhelm (von). Berlin 6.7.1819 — Vienna 7.1.1892. German Physician and Physiologist in Austria, also interested in Phonetics. Professor in Vienna. Son of Johann Gottfried Br., a history painter, and Christine Müller (d. 1822). Studied medicine at Berlin and Heidelberg, 1842 Berlin. PD 1844 Berlin. Worked as Assistant…

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SCHMIDT, Wilhelm

SCHMIDT, Heinrich Wilhelm Arnold. Hörde near Dortmund 16.2.1868 — Fribourg 10.2.1954. Father, S.V.D (Society of the Divine Word). Famous German Anthropologist and Linguist in Austria and Switzerland. Austrian citizen 1902. Son of Heinrich Schmidt (d. 1870) and Anna-Maria Mörs. From 1883 educated by S.V.D. in the Netherlands, in 1890 joined…

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SCHINDLER, Jochem. Amstetten, Niederösterreich 8.11.1944 — Prague 24.12.1994. Austrian IE Linguist. Studies of IE and Romance Linguistics at Vienna and Würzburg. Ph.D. 1972. In 1972-74 Assistant at Vienna. In 1974-76 Assistant Professor, 1976-78 Associate Professor and from 1978 Professor at Harvard, but in 1987 returned to Vienna as the successor of…

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MŽIK, Hans von

MŽIK, Hans von. Rzeszów, Galicia (now in Poland) 24.7.1876 — Vienna 4.3.1961. Austrian Historian of Geography. PD 1917 Vienna “für historische Geographie des Orients”. Ao. Professor 1929, from 1935 also taught Armenian. From 1921 also head of the map collection of Austrian National Library. Married Paula Horschlitz, one daughter. Publications:…

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SCHÖNBERG, Ignaz. 1856 — Vienna 29.1.1886. Austrian (or German) Indologist. Son of Markus Schönberg and Johanna Chaja Katalin. Student of Bühler at Vienna University, Ph.D. 1884. In May 1884 he came to Oxford to assist Monier Williams in his dictionary work, but was already ill with tuberculosis, and in July…

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STRZYGOWSKI, Josef. Biala, Austrian Silesia (now Bielsko-Biała in Poland) 7.3.1862 — Vienna 2.1.1941. Austrian Art Historian. Professor in Vienna. Son of a cloth manufacturer, and his wife Edle Trass von Friedenfelt, of minor nobility. In 1880 took apprenticeship in a weaving plant, but later abandoned this career. From 1882 studies…

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SCHROEDER, Leopold von

SCHROEDER, Leopold Alexander von. Dorpat (Tartu) 12.(24.)12.1851 — Vienna 8.2.1920. German (of Estonia) Indologist in Austria. Professor in Vienna. Son of school director Julius von Schroeder and Marie Schrenck, the 7th child in a large family. Educated in Dorpat (Tartu), as a schoolboy started attending Leo Meyer’s Sanskrit classes at…

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SCHENKL, Karl. Brünn (Brno) 11.12.1826 — Graz 20.9.1900. Austrian Classical Scholar interested in Sanskrit. Son of a schoolteacher and classical philologist. Studies of classics and law in 1845-49 at Vienna, then also under Curtius at Prague. Ph.D. 1849 Vienna. Worked first as schoolteacher in Prague. In 1857-64 Professor of Classical…

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