BRUCE, Charles

BRUCE, Charles. Roncally, Bengal 13.10.1836 — Edinburgh 13.12.1920. Sir. British (Scottish) Indologist, then a Colonial Officer. Son of Thomas Br., of E.I.C. Educated at Harrow, Yale University (from 1856), and in Germany, a student of Roth at Tübingen (from 1861). From 1863 Assistant at British Museum Library, from 1865-69 Professor (unpaid) of Sanskrit at the King’s College, London. Assisted Böhtlingk and Roth in the dictionary work (PW). Soon left Indology and entered colonial service: 1868 Rector of the Royal College, Mauritius. 1878 Director of Public Instruction, Ceylon. 1882 Colonial Secretary, Mauritius. In 1885-93 Lieutenant-Governor of British Guiana. 1893-97 Governor of the Windward Isles. 1897-1904 Governor of Mauritius. In retirement politically active, campaigned for Indian immigrants in other British colonies. K.C.M.G. 1889. Married 1868 Clara Lucas (d. 1916), two sons.

Publications: “On the Vedic Conception of the Earth — Atharvaveda XII 1”, JRAS 19, 1862, 321-336.

Die Geschichte von Nala. Versuch einer Herstellung des Textes. 14+47 p. St. Petersburg 1862.

Milestones on my long journey, memoirs of a colonial governor. 232 p. Glasgow 1917; several works on colonies, one collection of poems, memoirs.

Sources: Stache-Weiske 2017, 510; Who Was Who 1916-1928; Wikipedia with photo; not in D.N.B.

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