STOTHERT, Richard. Edinburgh 10.12.1833 — Bombay 22.10.1898. Rev. British Missionary in India. Son of William Stothert, a military man. Studies at Glasgow and Edinburgh Universities (M.A.). After brief service as chaplain in Bermuda ordained priest in 1860 and left for Bombay. First missionary of Free Church of Scotland in Nagpur, then in 1876-84 Principal of Wilson College in Bombay. Married 1870 Catherine Ewing (1841–1917), one daughter.
Publications: Brahmanism, or, Creation and Sacrifice. A Missionary Lecture. Edinburgh 1869.
– “The Dialectic of the Nyáya Darśana”, JBRAS 9, 1872, 209-218.
– Sabbath Mornings with the Bombay Mission. 1880.
– Transl. with A. H. Newman: “Augustine, The Anti-Manichæan Writings”, Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers. Edinburgh 1887,
Sources: J. G. Cunningham, The Free Church of Scotland Monthly Jan. 1899, 17 (this and further information in
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