CARLLEYLE, Archibald Campbell L.

CARLLEYLE, Archibald Campbell L. (himself wrote Carleyle; some have Carlyle). 1831 — 1897. British Archaeologist. Came to India as tutor to the sons of the raja of Vizianagram, then curator of Riddell Museum in Agra. Assistant of Cunningham in the A.S.I. from 1871, from 1875/80 First Assistant. In 1871 he surveyed Agra, in 1871-72 and 1872-73 a tour in Eastern Rajasthan, 1874-75 a tour in Central Doab, 1875-76, 1876-77 and 1877-78 in Gorakhpur. He was seriously in debt and dismissed from A.S.I. in 1885 and returned to England. At that time he was said to have suffered of mental disorder. He was no great scholar and is often criticized for inaccuracies. He was specially interested in prehistory, which was exceptional in the time.

Publications: “Agra”, Report for the year 1871-72. A.S.I. 4. Calcutta 1874, 93-247.

Report of a Tour in Eastern Rajputana in 1871-72, and 1872-73. 256 p. A.S.I. 6. Calcutta 1878; Report of Tours in the Central Doab and Gorakhpur in 1874-75, and 1875-76. 230 p. A.S.I. 12. Calcutta 1879; Report of a Tour in the Gorakhpur District in 1875-76, and 1876-77. 118 p. A.S.I. 18. Calcutta 1883; Report of Tours in Gorakhpur, Sarah, and Ghazipur in 1877-78-79, and 1880. 122 p. A.S.I. 22. Calcutta 1885.

– “Coins of the S´unga or Mitra Dynasty, found near Rámanagar or Ahichhatra”, JASB 49:1, 1880, 2128, 1 pl.

Sources: A.S.I. Reports (nothing else in N.U.C.); Up. Singh, The Discovery of Ancient India. Delhi 2004, 158-183; Wikipedia as Carlyle (rather uninformative); not in Br. Biogr. Arch. 1st & 2nd series.

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