CAROE, Olaf Kirkpatrick Kruuse. London 15.11.1892 — Steyning, Sussex 29.11.1981. Sir. British Civil Servant in India. Son of the architect William Douglas C. and Grace Desborough Rendall, educated at Winchester College. Studied classics at Magdalen College, Oxford. M.A. In 1914-19 captain 4th Bn. The Queen’s Regiment. From 1919 at I.C.S.: served in 1919-23 in the Puñjab, then until 1932 in the North-West Frontier. 1933-34 Chief Secretary to the Government of the North-West Frontier Province, from 1934 Deputy Secretary in Foreign and Political Department, Government of India, 1946-47 Governor of the N.W.F.P., then returned to England. Married 1920 Frances Marion Rawstome (1889–1969), two sons. C.I.E. 1932, C.S.I. 1941. D.Litt. Oxford.

Publications: The Pathans, 550 B.C. – A.D. 1957. 521 p. London 1958.

– “The Geography and Ethnics of India’s Northern Frontiers”, Geographical Journal 126, 1960, 298-308.

Several books on politics, e.g. Soviet Empire: The Turks of Central Asia and Stalinism. 300 p. L. 1953.

Sources: The Indian Year-Book and Who’s Who 1941-42; The India Office List in Br. Biogr. Arch. 2nd series; Enc. Brit.; *bibliography by G. Chowdharay-Best, Central Asian Survey 6, 1983, 141-149; Wikipedia with references to sources about his political career; photo in some editions of The Pathans.

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