CARSTAIRS, George Morrison (Morris). Mussoorie 18.6.1916 — Edinburgh 17.4.1991. British (Scottish) Psychiatrist and Anthropologist. Son of Rev. Dr. George C., a missionary of the Church of Scotland, and Elizabeth Huntley Young. Born in India spent his first 9 years there. Educated at George Watson’s College (Edinburgh), studies at Edinburgh (B.M. 1941). As student a noted long-distance runner. War service as medical officer in Royal Air Force. Worked in general medicine, but from 1951 in psychiatric hospital in London. Dr.Med. 1959 Edinburgh. In 1961-73 Professor of Psychological Medicine at Edinburgh, 1973-78 Vice-Chancellor of University of York. In 1968-72 also President of World Mental Health Organization. After 1978 lived some time in India as visiting Professor. Last years seriously ill. Married, three children. Fieldwork for 1958 book in Mewar in 1951.

Publications: The Twice-Born: A Study of a Community of High-Caste Hindus. 343 p. Bloomington 1958.

Sources: with photo; *H.R. Rollin, Oxford D.N.B.; N.K., Br. Journal of Sports Medicine 1991, 25; Wikipedia (anthropology ignored).

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