CHAPMAN, Charles. Bath wick, Somerset 23.11.1752 — 19.3.1809. British Civil Servant in India. Son of Charles Ch., a retired officer of E.I.C.’s army. Educated at Hoxton Academy. From 1773 Writer of E.I.C. in Bombay, 1775 moved to Calcutta. Close to Hastings. In 1778-79 diplomatic mission to Cochin-China (Vietnam), 1781-83 to Nagpur (Berar). In 1794-1801 manager of a salt district. In 1802-05 M.P. for Newton, Isle of Wight. He was addict to gambling and lost most of the fortune collected in India. Married 1784 Mary Williams, children. He was interested in Indian culture and studied with Pandit Mahesha. Founding member of Asiatic Society.
Publications: Narrative of a Voyage to Cochin China in 1778, by Charles Chapman, with a Plan of His Route by Lieutenant J.S. Ewart. Also Captain Michael Symes’s Narrative of His Emabssy to Ava in 1795. 2007 (from the papers of Warren Hastings).
Sources: J.W. Anderson in (orig. in R. Thorne, The History of Parliament. 1986); *P.J. Marshall, Oxford D.N.B.
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