CODRINGTON, Oliver. Wroughton, Wiltshire 5.5.1837 — Brentford, Middlesex 1921 (not 1931). British Physician and Numismatist. Son of Rev. Thomas Stretton C. (1798–1839, Vicar of Wroughton) and Elizabeth Emily Maurice (Wikitree: Elizabeth Jemima White). Educated at the Royal Free Grammar School in Marlborough and the London Hospital. M.D. From 1859 to 1885 served in the Army Medical Department, and participated in the New Zealand war in 1864-66. After few years in Burma he was moved to Bombay, retired and returned to England in 1886. Deputy surgeon-general. In 1897 living in Clapham, England. Librarian of R.A.S. 1891-1919.

Publications: “On a Hoard of Coins Found at Broach”, JBRAS 15, 1882-83, 339-370; other articles on Oriental numismatics and archaeology (JBRAS, JRAS, NC).

A manual of Musalman Numismatics. 239 p. As. Soc. Monogr. 7. L. 1904.

– “Catalogue of the Arabic, Persian, Hindustani, and Turkish Manuscripts in the Library of the Royal Asiatic Society”, JRAS 1892, 501-569 (Hindustani by Browne).

Sources: M. Longworth Dames, JRAS 1921, 303f.; Buckland, Dictionary (the only source in Br. Biogr. Arch. 2nd Series); Wikitree; photo in

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