CONGREVE, Harry. 18?? — 1???. British Colonial Officer in India. Lieutenant-Colonel. Cadet 1827, arrived in India 1828 and joined Madras Artillery. In Europe in sick leave 1839-43. Captain 1842, Major 1854, retired as Lieutenant Colonel. No longer in service in 1878.
According to Google summary a “Were Carpenter” page (which “does not exist”) seems to mention Harry C., retired of Madras army, born c. 1811 in London and died there 21.2.1879.
Publications: “Some observations on a remarkable cromlech near Pullicondah in the Carnatic”, MJLS 13:2, 1844-45, 47-51; “The antiquities of the Neilgherry hills including an inquiry into the descent of the Thautuwar or Todars”, MJLS 14, 1847, 77-146; “A Brief Account of the Ancient Buddhist Sculptures at Masulipatam, lately in the possession of Mr. Alexander from which the restored form of the Dagobahs or Topes is obtained”, MJLS 22 (N.S. 6), 1861, 44f.; “On druidical and other antiquities between Mettapoliam in Coimbatore and Karnul in the Tungabhadra”, MJLS 1878, 150-168, 6 pl.
Sources: Not in Buckland, not in Br. Biogr. Archives 1st & 2nd Series; scanty stray notes in Internet; career until 1855 in Madras artillery records (
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