DRAKE, John. 18?? — 19??. Rev. British Baptist Missionary in India. Studies at Regent’s Park College, Oxford. M.A. (Oxford), B.D. Working among Kurkus (around 1900), 1900-10 in Agra. In 1910-26 Vice-Principal and Professor of Theology and Ethics at Serampore College, then at Theological Seminary of Saharanpur, in 1933 retired to Serampore. Married 1894 Sarah Ann Paine (d. 1929), at least two daughters.

Publications: A Grammar of the Kúrkú Language. 190 p. Calcutta 1903.

– “Kurkus”, E.R.E. 7, 1914, 760f.

Translated hymns and parts of the New Testament into Kurukh (?).

Sources: Stray notes in Internet

Last Updated on 5 months by Admin


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