CUMMINGS, Thomas Fulton. New Wilmington, PA 3.9.1863 — 6.2.1942. U.S. Presbyterian Missionary in the Puñjab. After Westminster College studies at Union Theological Seminary 1886-87 and at Allegheny Th. Sem. 1887-89. Ordained priest 1889 and soon left to India. Worked in Sialkot (1889-94) and Gujranwala (1894-1905). In 1905-07 taught at Theological Seminary in Jhelum. From 1912 Professor of Phonetics and Language Study at New York City Biblical Seminary, 1918-20 and 1922-25 Lecturer in Phonetics at Union Theological Seminary and 1918-33 at Drew Theological Seminary in Madison, NJ. D.D. 1912 Westminster College.
Publications: An Urdu manual by the phonetic inductive method. 156 p. Gujranwala 1909; An Urdu manual of the phonetic inductive or direct method based on the Gospel of John. 57+56+33 p. Calcutta 1916; 3rd ed. Gujranwala 1926.
– How to learn a language: an exposition of the phonetic inductive method. 100 p. N.Y. 1916.
– With T. Grahame Bailey: Pañjabi Manual and Grammar: a guide to the colloquial Pañjabi. 24+279+ 127 p. 1912, 2nd ed. Calcutta 1925.
Sources: Works in N.U.C.; Union Theol. Seminary Alumni Catalogue 1836–1936. N.Y. 1937, xliii; not in Who Was Who in America.
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