DIEZ, Ernst

DIEZ, Ernst. Lölling, Kärnten 27.7.1878 — Vienna 8.7.1962. Austrian Art Historian. Cousin and friend of composer Anton Webern. Studies at Vienna under Strzygowski. Ph.D. 1903 with diss. on late classic / early Christian art. Worked in museums in Vienna and 1908-11 Berlin. In 1912-14 travelled in the Near East, Iran, India, and Egypt. Served in WW I. He was Strzygowski’s Assistant, from 1919 PD at Vienna. From 1926 in the U.S.A. (Bryn Mawr, Cleveland), in 1930-31 travelled in China, Japan, India, and Java. Remained in Cleveland until 1939, 1940 apl. Professor “für Kunstgeschichte des Orients uns Fernen Osten” at Vienna. In 1943-48 visiting Professor at Istanbul, in 1944-46 interned in Kırşehir. In his history of Turkish art (in Turkish, 1946) he had postulated Armenian influence in Turkish art. This caused strong nationalistic protests and he lose his position in 1948. In 1950 returned to Vienna. Wikipedia adds that he was member of NSDAP from 1938 (but still in Cleveland?). Married Beryl (d. 1951), at least one daughter.

Publications: Much on Islamic and Byzantine art, e.g. Die Kunst der islamischen Völker. 218 p. B. 1915; also wrote on East Asian art.

Churasanische Baudenkmäler. 116 p. B. 1918.

With O. von Niedermayer: Afghanistan. 16+70 p. 246 pl. Lp. 1924.

Die Kunst Indiens. 193 p. 13 pl. Wildpark-Potsdam 1926.

So sahen sie Asien. Reiseberichte von Herodot bis Moltke. 480 p. B. – Vienna – Lp. 1942.

Sources: Bihl 103; *O. Aslanapa (ed.): Beiträge zur Kunstgeschichte Asiens. In Memoriam Ernst Diez. Istanbul 1963, with bibliography; J. Kröger, Encyclop. Iranica 7, 1996, 401f.; *E. Kühnel, Kunst des Orients 4, 1963, 110-112 with bibliography; German Wikipedia.

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