DOMENICO DA FANO (Dominicus a Fano,lay Francesco Magnani). 1674 — 1728. Father. Italian Capuchin Missionary, in Tibet in 1706-11and 1716-25, with interval in Europe. He was the Head of the Capuchin Mission in Lhasa, until his death, when he was succeeded by —> Orazio Della Penna. Started the quarrel against the Jesuit —> Desideri.

Returning to Europe he brought with him the Latin–Tibetan dictionary originally prepared in 1708 by his colleagues Giuseppe da Ascoli (1673–1710) and —> François-Marie de Tours. Passing via Paris he left an abridged version to a scholar – variously identified as one of Fourmont brothers or N. Freret, now kept in Bibl. nationale.

Publications: Vocabularium Latino-Tibetanum. Manuscript in Capuchin Mission Archive in Romeabridged version in Paris; letters.
Sources: Lexicon Capuccinum. Romae 1951; *Clemente da Terzorion, “L’esplorazione del Tibet di P. Domenico Magnanimi da Fano”, Studia Picena 8, 1932, 81-101; *L. Petech, I missionari italiani nel Tibet e nel Nepal.1. Rome 1952; Walravens 2008, 150.

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