LEACH, Abigail

LEACH, Abigail. Brockton, MA 28.5.1855 — 29.12.1918. U.S. Greek Scholar and Pioneer of Female Education. Born as the daughter of the shoe manufacturer Marcus Leach. Through her insistent demands to Harvard professors the Harvard Annex for women (now Radcliffe College) was established and she was its first student in 1879-82. She also learned Sanskrit under Greenough and Lanman. In 1880-83 taught at Boston Girl’s Latin School, then Instructor in Latin and Greek at Vassar College. A.B. and A.M. 1885 Vassar. From 1889 Head of the new Department of Greek at Vassar. In 1898-1900 President of Americal Philological Association. Died of cancer.
Publications: Adapted classical Greek dramas on stage, performed in the original language.
Sources: Life in Vassar Encyclopedia (http://vcencyclopedia.vassar.edu/faculty/prominent-faculty/abigail-leach.html) with photo; A. Venkatkrishnan, “The Sanskrit Students of Radcliffe College” adding the hint of her Sanskrit studies.

Last Updated on 3 months by Admin


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