LUDOWYK-GYOMROI, Edith (born E. Győmröi). Budapest 8.9.1896 — London 11.2.1987. Hungarian Psychoterapist, Communist and Pāli Scholar in Sri Lanka. Born in a Jewish family, daughter of Mark Gelb (from 1899 Győmröi), a furniture manufacturer, and Ilona Pfeifer. In 1914 married Erwin Renyi, a chemical engineer, had one son and divorced in 1918. Now she became active in leftist politics, but soon had to flee to Vienna. After brief periods in Czechoslovakia and Romania came to Berlin in 1923 with her second husband Laszlo Tology (Gluck). Worked as journalist, photographer, etc., studied psychoanalysis and soon worked as analyst. In 1933 moved to Prague and 1934 to Budapest. In 1938 emigrated to Sri Lanka with her third husband, journalist Laszlo Ujvári, who died in 1940. Soon met and married E. F. C. Ludowyk (1906–1985), a Sri Lankan Burgher and Professor of English at University of Ceylon in Peradeniya. She joined the Trotskyist Lanka Sama Samaja Party and in 1947 the Communist Party. Suffered of the climate and moved with her husband to London in 1956. Worked as psychoanalyst until she was 80.

At Peradeniya she studied Pāli under Malalasekera. Ph.D. 1944 Ceylon.

Publications: Diss. The role of the miracle in early Pāli literature. Manuscript, Ceylon 1944.

–A few works not related to Indology.

Sources: Wikipedia.

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