EGGER, Josef

EGGER, Josef. 18?? — 1???. Austrian Student of IE Linguistics. Ph.D. 1880 Vienna. He was probably teacher first in Graz, then in the 1880s Professor at Franz-Joseph-Gymnasiums in Vienna. He must not be confused (as was done in the N.U.C.) with the Tyrolese historian Josef Eggers (1839–1903), who obtained his Ph.D. at Innsbruck in 1866 and taught at Innsbruck Gymnasium 1869–1902 (on him see Ö.B.L.).

Publications: Diss. Studien zur Geschichte des indogermanischen Consonantismus. 32 p. Publ. in VI Jahresber. des Franz-Joseph-Gymnasiums, Wien 1880.

– “Beiträge zur Kritik und Erklärung des Gregorius Hartmanns von Aue”, Jahresber. des K.K. II Staats-Gymnasiums zu Graz 1872, 44 p.; “Katharsis-Studien”, IX Jahresber. des Franz-Joseph-Gymnasiums, Wien 1883, 40 p.

Sources: Works in the N.U.C., diss. not mentioned in Vienna diss. catalogue.

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