ERGARDT, Jan. 1936 — 23.12.1992. Swedish Scholar of Comparative Religion, especially Buddhism. Ph.D. 1970 Lund. He taught at Lund University and died after long illness. He applied his knowledge of modern psychology to interpretation of Buddhism.

Publications: Diss. Buddhismen i Västerlandet: Undersökning av engelsk buddhism under 1900-talet‬. 538 p. Lund 1970.

Faith and Knowledge in Early Buddhism. An analysis of the contextual structures of an arahant-formula in the Majjhima-Nikāya. 12+182 p. Suppl. to Numen 37. Leiden 1977; Man and his destiny: the release of the human mind. A study of citta in relation to dhamma in some ancient Indian texts. 172 p. Studia Orientalia Lundensia 3. Lund 1986.

A few articles (Svensk Teologisk Kvartalskrift 1976:1, 1992:1) and reviews (AO 47, 1986, 242-246).

Sources: Tord Olsson, Svensk Religionshistorisk Årsskrift 1995, 84f. and Svensk Teologisk Kvartalskrift 69, 1993, 84f.; R. Webb, Buddhist Studies Review 10, 1993, 226.

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