FREI, Henri. Baar, Zug 5.6.1899 — Hedingen, Canton Zürich 14.11.1980. Swiss Linguist. Professor in Geneva. Son of Gustav Adolf Frei, an industrialist, and Ida Dändliker. Studies of linguistics at Geneva and Paris (É.L.O.V.) until 1926 (including New Indo-Aryan and Japanese). Ph.D. 1929 Geneva (under Bally). In 1933-34 Professor at National University in Peking, then at Maison Franco-japonaise until 1938 and 1938-40 in Hong Kong. In 1940-69 Professor of comparative linguistics and Sanskrit at Geneva University (ord. 1945), in 1945-69 also of general linguistics. Married.
Publications: diss. La grammaire des fautes. Introduction à la linguistique fonctionnelle. 317 p. P. & Geneva 1929; Interrogatif et indéfini. 16 p. P. 1940, and other works on linguistics.
– articles discussing Vedic words, e.g. in Cahiers F. de Saussure 16, 1958-59, 1-22 (utpā-); 19, 1962, 87-91 (upāyyàm, udāyyam, udīpa); 20, 1963, 55-62 (kū´lam); Fs. Al. Gaur. Bucharest 1960, 475-479 (anūpá).
– “Véda et Cachemire”, Cahiers F. de Saussure 17, 1960, 47-53.
Sources: Th. St. Gerber in Web HistLexSchweiz; *R.Godel & R. Amacker, Cahiers F. de Saussure 34, 1980, 117-144; *M. Iliescu, “H.F.”, J. Wüest (ed.), Les linguistes suisses. Basel 1997, 45-55; *G. Redard, Cahiers F. de Saussure 34, 1980, 144-177; Schweizer Lexikon 91 2, 1992: *Mélanges de linguistique offerts à H.F. Cahiers F. de Saussure 25-26, 1969, with bibliography; Wikipedia (more in German version).
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