SMYTH, George Monro Carmichael (Carmichael-Smyth). 18.9.1803 — 29.4.1890. British (Scottish) Colonial Officer in India. Son of physician James Carmichael Smyth (1742–1821) and Mary Holyland (d. 1806). Arrived at India in 1819/20. Rised to Major of Bengal Light Cavalry, in 1857 Colonel and Commandant of 3rd Light Cavalry in Lahore. Finally Major General. Married Jane Ross, three sons, and then 1879 Celia Black Hamilton.
Publications: A History of the Reigning Family of Lahore with some account of the Jummoo Rajahs, the Seik soldiers and their Sirdars. Ed. by Carmichael Smyth. 263+40 p. Calcutta 1847 (reprinted as Secret History of the Khalsa Durbar).
Sources: Surprisingly difficult, stray notes on career, birth year in, death in; much remains uncertain, see the note under W. Carmichael Smyth.
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