GODINHO, Manuel. Montalvão 1630 (1632?) — Loures 1712. S.J. Portuguese Priest and Missionary in India. Became novice of the S.J. in Coimbra 1645, joined the Indian mission. In December 1662 left for Portugal by land, visited Persia, Mesopotamia and Syria, and arrived at Cascais in October 1663. Also carried diplomatic missions. Later on quitted S.J. and became a secular priest.

Publications: Relaçao do novo caminho que fêz por terra e mar da Índia para Portugal no ano de 1663. 1665, 2nd ed. 1842; English: Intrepid itinerant. Manuel Godinho and his journey from India to Portugal in 1663. Edited with an introd. and notes by J. Correia-Afonso. Transl. of the Portuguese text by V. Lobo and J. Correia-Afonso. 253 p. Bombay 1990.

Some religious works.

Sources: *J. Correia-Afonso, “Postscript to an Odyssea: More Light on M.G.”, Modern Asian Studies 22, 1988, 491-502; Grande Enciclop. Portug. e Brasileira 12; Wikipedia; portrait in JRAS-MalB 9, 1931, pl. xxxi.

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