GUBLER(-ITEN), Theophil. 1874 — 1954. Swiss Teacher, former Student of Indology. Ph.D. 1902/03 Basel, under Wackernagel. Taught Latin, Greek, history, geography and gymnastics at gymnasium in Basel 1906-34. Married Lina Iten, at least one child.
Publications: diss. Die Patronymica im Alt-Indischen. 108 p. Göttingen 1903.
– Works not related to South Asia.
Sources: Indologica Digitalisate gives the life years; teacher’s career in H. Gutzwiller, “Carl Jacob Burckhardts Basler Gymnasialjahre 1902-1908”, Basler Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Altertumskunde 80, 1980, 149.
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