BUHOT, Jean. Paris 13.8.1885 — Paris 5.9.1952. French Painter and Art Historian. The only child of painter Félix B. (1847–1898) and his English wife, née Johnston. After school in Paris travelled much in France, England, Germany and Italy. During WW I worked as English interpreter in a Canadian regiment. Only in 1920 interested in Indian and East Asian art, instigated by Suzanne Karpelès and her sister, now also began to learn Sanskrit, Chinese and Japanese. He spent many years in free studies, also painting (but did not sell), and began his real scholarly career only in the 1930s. From 1936 Professor of Chinese and Japanese Art at École du Louvre, from 1940 also Professr of Japanese at É.L.O.V. Died with his wife Thérèse Thérèse Tournier (married 1914) in an accident.
Publications: Wrote on East Asian art.
– “La pluralite des Bouddhas et les principaux personnages du Pantheon bouddhique”, Bulletin de l’Association Francaise des Amis de l’Orient 6, 1923, 27-60.
– “Les antiquités bouddhiques de Bāmiyān: d’après l’ouvrage A. Godard, Y. Godard et J. Hackin”, RAA 4, 1927, 133-145, 204-211.
–“Notes d’architecture bouddhique. I. Stupa et pagode: une hypothese”, RAA 11:4, I937, 235-239; “Notes… II. L’origine des pagodes sur plan hexagonal. III. Tenjiku yô, style indien”, RAA 13;1, 1939, 35-41.
– Numerous reviews in RAA.
Sources: V. Elisséeff, Art. As. 15, 1952, 356-368 with bibliography; French Wikipédia briefly.
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