ANDERSSON, Anders Hilding. Växjö 22.3.1853 — Lund 18.2.1918. Swedish Schoolteacher, Classical Scholar and Translator of Sanskrit texts. Son of Rev. Johan A. (1820–1894, later Bishop of Växjö) and Elise Lindfors, matriculated from Jönköping in 1872. Studies at Lund: M.A. 1875, lic. phil. 1878, Ph.D. 1879. From 1879 Docent of Greek Literature at Lund. From 1879 schoolteacher, taught Greek in Lund, 1881-83 Greek and Latin in Kalmar, and from 1883 in Växjö. From 1892 school director in Växjö, from 1906 in Lund. Married 1881 Anna Charlotta Gabriella Bergenstråhle, eight children.
Andersson translated much from classical poetry and from Sanskrit, although these translations were often rather free renderings. Among his literary remains were found long extracts translated from the Kathāsaritsāgara. As a teacher he opposed to new pedagogic theories and as a member of School Reform Committee tried vainly to retain the important position of Classical languages.
Publications: Diss. Quaestiones scenicae. 51 p. Lund 1878; De parodo chori in fabulis Aristophaneis. 39 p. Lund 1879; ed. Terentius’ Phormio. 88 p. Stockh. 1896; translations of Classical poetry (Terentius, Vergilius), studies on classical and modern literature, collections of essays.
– Translated: Pärlbandet (Ratnāvalī). 76 p. Växjö 1892; Den lilla lervagnen (Mṛcchakaṭika). 133 p. Växjö 1899; Likspökets tjugofem berättelser (Vetālapañcaviṁśati). 244 p. Lund 1902; Urvaśī och hennes hjälte (Vikramorvaśī). 60 p. Lund 1906.
Sources: Charpentier, “Indologiska studier i Sverige”, Svensk Orientsällskapets Årsbok 1924, 67f.; J. Mjöberg, Svenskt biografiskt Lexikon 1, 1918, 760f. (with photo); G. Gren-Eklund, Svenskt överättarlexikon (online); Swedish Wikipedia.
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