JAGER, Herbert de

JAGER, Herbert de. Zwammerdam near Leiden 1636 (1637?) — Batavia (Jakarta) 6.1.1694. Dutch Priest and Traveller. Son of a farmer. Studies of theology, of mathematics, botany, astronomy and Oriental languages (under Golius) at Leiden in 1657-62. In service of the Dutch E.I.C. in 1662-94, first in Batavia, 1666-70 in Persia (Bandar-Abbas and Isfahan). In 1670-80 he stayed in Coromandel Coast, 1681-87 again in Persia, last years in Batavia. He knew Malay, Persian, Tamil, Telugu, and probably even Sanskrit. In a letter he noted that the Old Javanese contains a great number of Indian (Sanskrit and Tamil) words. He was also an eager botanist. He had extensive correspondence with learned men in Europe. Witsen and E. Kämpfer were his friends.

Publications: Journal and letters published; botanical writings.

Sources: Blok, N.N.B.W. 7, 654; *P.A. Leupe, “H. de J.”, BijdrTLV 3:4, 1861, 17-22 & 4:3, 1869, 67-97; briefly in Vogel, “Leiden’s Contribution” and in de Jong, IAC 5:4, 1957, 422; *D. Lombard, “A propos d’un manuscrit oublie de Herbert de Jager (1683)”, M.J. Klokke (ed.): Fruits of inspiration. Studies in honour of Prof. J. G. de Casparis. Groningen 2001, 243-254; German Wikipedia.

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