JAGIĆ, Vatroslav

JAGIĆ, Ignati Vatroslav, Ritter von Varaždin. Varaždin, Croatia (then Austria) 6.6.1838 — Vienna 5.8.1923. Croatian Slavic Linguist and Philologist. Son of Vinko J., a boot maker master, and Ana Kraijek. After gymnasium in Zagreb, studies of classical, Slavic, etc. languages at Vienna (under Miklosich, et al.) in 1856-60. Then teacher in Zagreb until 1870, but also continued his studies. Ph.D. 1871 Leipzig (under Leskien). In 1872 studied Sanskrit under Weber at Berlin. In 1871-74 the first Professor of Comparative Linguistics and Sanskrit at the university of Odessa (1871-72 eo.), 1874-80 Professor of Slavic (new chair) at Berlin, 1880-86 at St.Petersburg and in 1886-1909 at Vienna. He was mainly a specialist of Old Church Slavonic and Old Croatian literature. At Odessa he introduced Ovsjaniko-Kulikowskij into Sanskrit. In Vienna he had numerous students in Slavic studies. From 1891 member of Austrian Herrenhaus. Married 1862 Sidonija Struppi, two daughters and two sons.

Publications: Diss. Das Leben der Wurzel dê in den slavischen Sprachen. 4+73 p. Vienna 1871.

Books on Slavic philology and linguistics, text editions, etc.

Founded and edited Archiv für slavische Philologie 1871–.

Sources: G. Bartl, N.D.B. 10, 1974, 298f.; J. Mindak, Lex. gramm. 1996, 470; *F. Pastrnek, “A Bibliographical Appreciation of V.J.”, The Slavonic Review 2, 1923, 213-224; *R.W. Seton-Watson, The Slavonic Review 2, 1923,  417-423; Stache-Weiske 2017, 532; Wikipedia with photo; photo in Archiv f. slav. Phil. 25, 1903 (also in Pedersen 1959, 52).

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