HOOYKAAS, Christiaan

HOOYKAAS, Christiaan. Amersfoort 26.12.1902 — ’s-Gravenhage 13.8.1979. Dutch Sanskrit and Indonesian Scholar. Son of a vicar, Isaäc H. and Eva Maria Faber. From 1921 studies of Sanskrit (Vogel) and Indonesian at Leiden, Ph.D. there 1929 in Javanese. In 1929-39 high school teacher in Java, mainly in Yogyakarta, in 1939-41 Government Linguist in Bali. Interned by the Japanese during the war in Burma. From 1946 acting Professor of Malay language at University of Jakarta. In 1950 returned to the Netherlands, but soon moved to London. In 1951-53 Lecturer of Old Javanese at S.O.A.S., then reader and 1970 emeritus. In retirement divided his time between the Hague and Bali. Died in a traffic accident. Married 1929 Jacoba Hindrika van Leeuwen Boomkamp (1901–1965, became a Balinese scholar, Ph.D. 1949), six children. He was a noted specialist of Hinduism and Sanskrit in Indonesia.

Publications: Diss. Tantri, de Middel-Javaansche Pañcatantra-Bewerking. 133 p. Ld. 1929; ed. Tantri Kāmandaka. 213 p. Bibl. Javanica 2. Bandoeng 1931.

– “Sanskrit Kāvya and Old Javanese Kakawin”, JOIB 4:2/3, 1954, 143-148, in next years several articles about the Old Javanese Rāmāyaṇa in JOIB.

The Old-Jawanese Rāmāyaṇa Kakawin, with special reference to the problem of interpolations in kakawin. 64 p. Verh. van het Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 16. ’s-Gravenhage 1955; The Old-Jawanese Rāmāyaṇa, an exemplary Kakawin as to form and content. 70 p. VKNAW 65:1. Amsterdam 1958.

Āgama-Tīrtha. Five Studies in Hindu-Balinese Religion. 253 p. 5 pl. VKNAW 70:4. Amsterdam 1964; Sūrya-sevana. The Way of God of a Balinese Śiva Priest. 225 p. 33 pl. VKNAW 72:3. Amsterdam 1966.

Bagus Umbara. Prince of Koripan. The story of a Prince of Bali and a Princess of Java. Illustrated on palm leaves by a Balinese artist. With Balinese text and English translation. 55 p. L. 1968.

With T. Goudriaan: Stuti and Stava of Balinese Brahman Priest. 609 p. VKNAW 76. Amsterdam 1971.

Balinese Bauddha Brahmans. 251 p. VKNAW 80. Amsterdam 1973; Kāma and Kalā: Materials for the Study of Shadow Theatre in Bali. 320 p. 96 pl. VKNAW 79. Amsterdam 1973; Religion in Bali. 10+34 p. 48 pl. Iconography of Religions 13:10. Ld. 1973; Cosmogony and creation in Balinese tradition. 7+177 p. 2 pl. Bibl. Indonesica 9. the Hague 1974.

Other books, many articles and reviews, in BTLV, JOIB, etc.

Sources: J.M. Echols, Indonesia 20, 1980, 149; *J. Gonda, Jaarboek K.N.A.W. 1979, 204-207; H.J. Hinzler, Jaarboek van de Maatschappij der Nederlandse Letterkunde te Leiden 1980-81, 154-162 with bibliography; *J.L. Swellengreber, BTLV 136, 1980, 191-206 (and bibliogr. 207-214); Dutch Indology homepage with small photo.

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